What are we gonna do

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Celestials POV

Flashback to yesterday

I looked and there were three rouges now looking at me.

"You know he's looking for you Moon Goddesses daughter." one of the rouges say.

He had brown stained clothes that were ripped up. There were two others that wore similar clothes to him but they were twins. The one that talked had greasy black hair with dark brown eyes that look almost black. His body frame was slightly smaller than most guys. The two twins had brown greasy hair with hazelish eyes. There frame was a but larger than the other guy.

The twins grabbed me and threw me across the room. I covered my hands on my stomach. I hissed in pain knowing that my baby could get hurt.

"Your not so strong as the prophet says you are. You seem like a worthless weakling to me." one of the twins said to me.

"Your right brother i don't even know why the rouge king would want someone as weak as you are." the other one said.

"Both of you shut the fuck up and pick her up ok!?" the smaller guy said.

They mumbled ok and and picked me each by the arm. I already felt weak from being in a coma. The guy who commanded the twins punched me directly to my stomach i screamed in pain. The twins dropped me and kicked multiple times for a minute.

They picked me up again and the guy punched me again in the stomach it hurt even more than last time.
Then i heard someone come in. It was Kellin the rouges started to run out my window but only the twins succeeded.

The rouge that punched me Kellin jumped him and started to punch him over and over again. I needed to calm him down because the rouge was already dead but he kept punching.

I crawled over to him and wrapped my arms around him. He stopped immediately afterwards.
He noticed that the rouge was dead already. He then turned and grabbed me and out me on the bed. I asked him why then he pulled my shirt up.

He then put his hand and one of his ears on my stomach. He asked if i knew how many kids i was having. I told him i didnt because i was in a freaking a coma for who knows who how long. What he said next freaked me out the most though.

All i heard was that i was having 2 kids with this monster. Then he picked me up and cleaned me and what not. He gave me his shirt it was hella big on me. Then i fell asleep i think he put his arm around me.

Celestes Dream

I saw a meadow of flowers and trees that were ignoramus. The flowers were a lavender color and it even smelt like it too. Then a voice came out and i screamed but nothing came out.

I saw someone running out of no where. She kinda looked like me too just more stronger and more beautiful than me.

"Please stop your not my mate and you will never be him. Because you killed my only love." she was already crying i felt sad for her i was even tearing up.

"Im with child and now she'll never get to see her father ever! I Moon Goddess curse thee you will never rule the werewolves. You killed there king and he was your brother. You will be a rouge just a dirty mutt you will no longer be special." she yells using a deeper and stronger voice but it was like it seemed it was a guy though.

The scene changed and shr was giving birth in a cave like place with others around her. I think i seey grandmother when she was younger and it looked like she was holding me. She raises me high and says

"This child is the Moon Goddesses she was put in my daughter and we shall keep this a secret. No one shall know especially outside this group or she will be in grave danger from the king of rouges." she says.

Then it was dark again but eyes start to open and the sunlight burns my eyes and im blind for a sec. I noticed something warm around my body my eyes finally get back to normal and my face is against a shirtless Kellin.

My face starts to burn and i try to get him off me. It took awhile since he's such an heavy oaf. I was so close to his door when his door was opened right away and my brother was ther. Next thing i know im being pulled by my hair. He was dragging me on the floor then he stopped and i heard him scream. I turn around to see Kellin punching him in the face.

I hurried to get up and hugged him from behind. He finally stopped and turned to me to return the hug.

"Hes still my brother so please dont hurt him but i also dont want to be near him. So please dont hurt him or anyone because this is still my pack members." i said with tears down my face. This whole pregnancy thing is making me so emotional right now like what the hell.

He finally got up and hugged me. I picked up my brother but then he pushed me off of him. I just needed to run so thats exactly what happened i ran and cried again. I heard Kellin yell my name but i just couldn't. So i ran to a special place where no one could find me.

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