Death and Life

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Everyone was fighting but as you all know Percy, Annabeth and Hazle and Frank are all frozen so thank kind of sucks for everyone else as they are very good fighters. Suddenly teh gods appeared up to battle and started fighting. Hectate grabbed Harry and disappered with him to keep him safe as Apollo had said that he had had a vision that if Harry and Ginny were both killed in a certain place then Voldarmot would have his magic again. Ginny was fighting against Malfoys dad when a Harpy grabbed her from behind. "Let go of me you stupid beast!" Ginny yelled trying to move out of the way and tehy it dropped her right on a cyclops head which knocked out the Cyclop and broker her anckle. Piper charm spoke some monsters to kill each other when suddenly her mom grabbed her and Jason, "All demigods must leave imedetly along with the Wizards. We're going to show our true forms." She told them and they nodded and then Pipers mom telaported them to teh Griffendoor tower long with teh other Griffendoor wizards. All of teh gods quickly telaported all of teh seven except for teh frozen ones away and as many wizards as tehy could before showing their true form. All of teh death eaters died and the monsters disloved including Voldamot when Kronos smiled as all of the gods stood infrount of him. He had his eyes shut as he was a demigod right now but he said "Well, looks like my plan worked." "You can't do anything your not imeortal!" Zuse yelled then saw Athena pale. Everyone looked towrds were Percy, Annabeth, Frank and Hazel were frozen. "Nope, I have just what I needed Frank and Hazel to make me imortal and Percy and Annabeth to make me more powerful than all of you put together." Kronos said. "Don't you dare!" Posidon shouted. Kronos laughed dryly. "You never even found out what you could do my son, your own son has found out the greatest part of your power already but swore never to use it. He could easily kill each and every one of you. Athena I'm sure you know what I'm talking about." He said. Then out of teh corner of Athenas eyes she saw Artemis edgeing torwds the bubble of time. "No, I don't why don't you tell me." Athena spat out even though she knew about it. Atremis had reached the bubble now and did a power she had learned but never realy used. She covered teh bubble with silver light and made it seam gone then she made an illusion away from the bubble of Percy, Annabeth, Frank and Hazel swords and bow drawn and made 'Percy' say "Oh, bet you didn't know I could get out of your little trap." Atremis was also covered in silver light and she had her own illusion standing beside Apollo and herself invisible. "Impossible!" Kronos yelled hearing teh voice and he made the mistake of opening his eyes to see for himself. At that moment he died because the gods true form killed him but that also ment the real bubble of time unfroze. Artemis collapsed as she had only used her illusion power once before and it had taken a lot of energy to do that. And Annabeth, Hazel and Frank unfroze and Percy was bleeding to dead. The gods were stunned that he had died so easily but so foolishly when tehy heard a laugh, a dark and evil laugh. "Looks like my plan worked. Get Artemis to use all of her energy so she can't tell you how to defeat me. And the only other one who can is long dead." A voice said and Annabeth raised her head realizing that the main battle aticion was gone. Then a shimmering form started to appear beside Percy and Annabeth. And Percy started to pale faster, then Peryc opened his eyes and looked at Annabeth. "I'll be waiting, and he's not a tratior." He whispered kissing her one last time before his soul left his body and the simmering form next to Annabeth and Percy formed. It was a certain sandy haired blue eyed son of Hermes named Luke was standing backbitter drawn and a sad smile on his face. Annabeth was shocked and Luke bent down and shut the dead Percy's eyes. "Thanks Percy." He said before standing up and facing the being infrount of the gods who was now trembling in fear. "Ready to fade? Cause you already 'faded' once and your gonna do it for real this time. Orion." Luke said Backbitter glowing. 

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