Broken Promise

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Percy: What the heck was I? I tried to look at myself and failed. I felt I had wings and claws and suddenly I saw Annbeth infrount of me. She was a Griffen! Whoa! Wait? I was a Griffen! After sending a prayer to Zuse about please don't kill me. I flew up into the air along with Annbeth, Piper, Rachel, Jason, Leo and Calypso. Leo and Calypso were dragons which I thought was awesome! After flying around for a bit and not dieing we landed and transformed back. "Im a Griffen!" I yelled jumping up and down in excitement. Everyone laughed as tehy turned back to human. "Hey look the necklaces are gone, that means we are strong enough not to have our magic stolen!" Frank said and we relized he was right. Then all of the sudden Grover said "DEATH EATERS ATTACK." Threw the link and I relayed teh message to everyone else. Harry, Hermoine, and Ron ran along behind us as we were quite a bit faster than them. Annbeth was the only one who was able to keep up with my speed when suddenly I felt a strange feeling like I was being pushed to the back of my mind and I froze in place along with Leo and Jason. What the? I thought as Jason, Leo and I all of the sudden started attacking everyone else. Why? Stop body stop! We're had I felt this feeling before? My mind drifted back to when Jason and I were taken over by those things that tried to make Jason and I kill each other, and Leo to make him attack new Rome. GET OUT OF MY HEAD AND BODY! I yelled in my brain and I just heard a dark chuckle. I was about to stab Calypso but managed to take controle just to throw her out of the way instead. 'You guys swore on the river Stxy not to take over us again or anyone else on the Argo!' I yelled in my head as the voices took over more strongly as I saw Jaosn was now knocked out. Greate now I have two inside me.  the voice spoke back 'We will fade because of this broken promise but not before you all die' the controle on my body from them streathen even more when Leo was knocked out. suddenly I had disarmed Annbeth and was about to stab her. NO. I yelled in my head and instead startling the thing controlling me, I stabbed myself in the stomach, felt controle retiring to my body, then I blacked out.

Annabeth: We were running back to the castle after Percy had warned us of the attack when suddenly Percy, Jason and Leo froze in place. "Guys?" I asked then their eyes turned gold and they took out their swords. We all steped away from them and suddenly they lunged at us trying to kill us. I wiped out my dagger and held Jason off while Piper held off Leo and Calpso held off Percy. "What is going on?" Hazel said while trying to help Piper. "Who are you!" Piper comanded as Leo pushed her to teh ground and was about to kill her Hazel put her sword in the way. "You remember who we are, You made us swear never to come back." They all said in unison. I racked my brain trying to come up with an answer then I relized, "You are the ones that made Leo attack new Rome and Percy and Jason track each other!" Then Percy was about to stab Calypso but his eyes flashed green and he just threw her to the side instead and his eyes went back to gold. I had knocked Jaosn out but now Percy was dighting me. "Your swore never to come back!" Frank injected and Percy and Leo laughed just as Leo got knocked out. "We will fade but not befor killing and injuring you all enough for Hogwarts to fall, we were decoys." Percy said as he was the only one alive anymore, then he disarmed me his eyes glowing bright goand. "And Now you will die and the son of Posidon will be broken when he relizes he killed you." Percy said then brought Riptide down but at the last second he drove the sword into his stomach instead his eyes turning back to sea green, then he collapsed. Teh wind was knocked out of me but I managed to scream "Percy!" Piper had a gash on her leg, Jason was unconscious, Hazel had bad burns along her arms. Frank was by Calpsos side as she had hit her head against a tree when Percy threw her. Harry, Hermoine and Ron I relized had been fighting off some monsters with Rachel and Nico. I went over to Peryc who's skin was beginning to pale, fast and blood was gushing out of his stomach. The demigods who coudl still fight were killing the monsters attacking us and soon they were all gone. Everyone rushed over to me where I was dribbling some ambrosia in his mouth. "We have to get teh sword out or he's head for sure." Hazle said then Nico looked as if he had been stabbed. "Nico?" We all looked at him as Hazel froze also. "Grover is dead, when Percy got stabbed he must have been distracted and." Nico said a tear forming a the corner of his eye. Grover? Dead! No!

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