Piper sass

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Percy: so it was kinda awkward  when that happened but Hesta must have used her magic because no one in the room even looked mildly surprise except for Hermoine, Harry and Ron who's eyes were bugging out. We ate the food me taking any blue food in sight. After the food we went to a dorm room that was just for the demigods, Rachle, Calypso and the three. There were two rooms, one for boys and one for girls. The usually enchantments to make sure boys didn't go into the girls dorms were gone incase Percy needed to wake Annbeth up from a nightmare or vise versa. Nuctua the second had taking a liking to Annbeth which I expected and would perch herself near us constantly. She rotated back and forth at night between the two of us ever watchful. Annbeth I noticed had a new charm around her necklace that she told me she could see out of Nuctua's eyes with. Hermoine started tutoring the girls on how to do magic and Harry, Ron and I thought the boys. I was worried when I heard Thaila had been injured but was relived to hear she was alive. We went for a week without monster attack but one morning when I was in the great hall early a harpy flew in the window. I hated my robes as they were harder to fight in and were black. Which ment they absorbed heat making us super hot. Ugg stupid ADHA! Back to fighting. I uncapped riptide quickly and tried to hit it when it came in for a dive trying to claw my eyes out. I cut its claws off and it related away cakling. "Harpy in the Great hall!" I told Grover threw the link so he would tell Festas to keep a better eye out for monsters trying to get in the castle. "Sorry Perc!" He replied as I killed the harpy it turning into yellow dust. Disgusting. I thought the I remembered a cleaning spell and used it. Annbeth walked in with Hermoine by her side just as I cast a spell to repair the window the Harpy had broken. "Percy, why did you just repair a window......" Annbeth asked then seeing the dust on the floor her eyes widened. "Harpy." I said then I sat down to eat some breakfast starving. "Oh." Was all Annebeth said before sitting down and continued her conversation with Hermoine while I braided her hair. When I was done she turned around kissed me on the nose and said "Thank you." Hermoine stared in awe at me and asked "We're did you learn to braid?" "When we were on the Argo two and Annabeth was stressed over a missions he had to go on I learned how to braid her hair, Piper taught me, she would talk to me about architecture or somthing while I braided her hair then when she ran out of words or rants about the day. We would talk as her mind would have calmed down by then." I explained. "That was the longest explanation I have ever head out of you." Annabeth teased as I scowled then we laughed so it was In good mood Jason rushed in to tell us Piper wouldn't wake up and was mumbling stuff in her sleep. 

Jason: everyone had gone down to breakfast but I was wiating for Piper like normal. She always slept in about ten minutes after they all went down then she would wake up and get ready. She would descend half an hour later and we would go to break past together. After waiting an extra five minutes after her usually time she came down I called up "You almost done?" Only to be met by silence. I painicked and ran up quickly seeing some he was still asleep in bed. I sighed glad she was still here then I noticed she was mumbling things. "No................drink?.................get away............wait......" Most of the things she was mumbling I couldn't understand and then she started mumbling I green and I was at a loss. "Piper, wake up." I said shacking her slightly. She didn't even stir from her mumblings. "Piper!" I said louder this time and shacking her harder. She didn't even flinch, as I looked a glass of water on her. Somthing was definitely wrong, time to go get the others. I raced down to teh dinning hall, burst into the hall and made a beeline for the others who were all laughing and talking happily. "Piper.......Mumbling stuff..... In.... Her sleep......won't.....wake up." I said between long breaths as I had run. They all jumped up and ran back up to the room be lagging behind for a minute with Ron, Harry and Hermoine. Then I caught my breath back and caught up with them. We all went to Pipers bed were she was still mumbling in Greek. "What is she saying?" Ron said voicing my thoughts. Percy replied back "She's mumbling stuff, it sounds like she's. Arguing. About some bargain someone wants her to make. And she's refusing." Piper shuddered drastically then she woke up breathing hard. "Piper!" I said enveloping her in a hug. She was startled but hugged back once she lost that startledness. (Is that even a word?) "that was a very strange dream. There was a goats with no nose and he was telling me to tell him how some one wasn't able to take out magic despite our poor skills with it. I said no I wouldn't tell him and he offered me a drink. I refused and he started trying to come closer so I told him to go away. He started to leave and I said wait and asked how he was. He laughed and said your friends can tell you. Then he disappeared and I was talking to a Titan of some sort who demanded that I bring Percy and Annbeth to him but I polightly declined by spitting him in the face. He didn't like that and was about to hit me when I woke up." Piper said shuddering again at the memory. "I want to wack him in the face with my daggers!" Rachel said then she added "That was Kronos probuly." I shuddered as well, from the stories I had been told about him. He was evil! Also a few of the gods and Godess father. I heard the tale of how Hades had come and said "One thing we can agree on, it was that you were a terrible father." Nico had told me that was his favorite part. "Rachel, you can hit him all you want with your hairbrush daggers. But the ghost of Voldamort, that will be harder." Percy said while cracking up a bit then sobering. 

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