Percy's laughter

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Harry: So they were all demigod Wizards? Well Rachel wasn't but that's besides the point. Percy was having fun showing his friends his magic he could do and a kid named Leo was definitely planing pranks with him along with Jason. They told us they would tell us when they were ready who there godly parents were but they weren't ready yet and didn't want us to know too much until they trusted us better. We understood, if there was a dire situation which would be if someone's life was involved then we could break the oath and if we had too then it would be best if we didn't know to much. Right now Hermoine and Annbeth were talking about smart stuff and I desided I would talk to the guy with a face much younger than his body. His name was Frank I think, "Hi, your names Frank right?" I asked walking over to him. "Yup, that's me. Your Harry right? Where'd you get that scar on your head? Zeus hate you or somthing?" He replied with a teasing tone in his voice. "I got it when Voldamort an evil wizard tried to kill me when I was a baby. I'm the only one to survive the killing curse which kills you instantly. " I replied and he said "that sucks, but still, cool scar." I laughed with him and his girlfriend Hazel walked over. "So wands only work with the right owner?" She asked and I nodded. "Other wands simply don't work." I stated and she looked troubled "So I shouldn't be able to use any wand?" I looked at her and took out my wand "here try to imagin a light at the end and say Luminos." I told her handing her my my wand. She took it and said "Luminos!" And a small light flickers at the end of the wand, my yaw dropped mentally and i said "That has never happened before." She then said "It only works some times if I concentrate realy hard but other wise it back fires like normal." Hmmmm cool! I'll have to ask Hermoine about this. She hands the wand back and I put it in my pocket. When sword and wand shall fail........ Will our wands not work and swords won't work? What about a house shall fall? Will one of the four houses fall? Will it be slitherin? Or maybe Griffendoor? Heck it could be any of them. Will we break promises? I better not make any promises soon. Love will prevail? So  maybe I need to stick with Ginny? Should we stick with our girl friends? I was knocked out of my thoughts literally and crashed to the deck Frank had tackled me. "What?" I asked then I saw an arrow embedded in the wall opposition of were I had been standing. "Oh." I said then everyone went into battle mode. Percy took out his wand and his sword, Frank took out a bow and arrow. Hazle took out a curved sword, Hermoine and Ron took out there wands. Annbeth took out a dagger and a sword and Piper also took out a dagger. Jason flipped a coin and a golden sword took its place, Leo had a hammer and Calpso dragged Grover who was half goat down into the hold along with Rachel. Rachel didn't want to be pulled down so she creeped back up on deck with a sack full of blue hair brushes? Percy saw this and started laughing so hard it was confusing in fact all of the death eaters just started at him like he was crazy until Rachel threw with deadly accurately and knocked out one of them which fell off his broom and he fell and would have died had another death eater not caught him. "Rachel you just made my day! Percy said before firing a spell at a death eater hitting it as they were still looking at Rachel. 

Rachel: I threw a hair brush right smack dab in the forehead of one of those nasty looking people while Percy was laughing so hard. "Rachel you just made my day!" He said still cracking up before he fired a spell at one off them which hit head on because they were all looking at me. Then full out battle started, Hazel stayed by me attacking any that came too close and I threw hair brushes which Leo had built in Tazers which is why the guy had been knocked out. Percy was still having a ton of fun with his new magical abilities which was his long range wepon while his sword was his short range wepon. I could tell Annbeth was smirking two rembering when I threw it at Kronos. I was happy that I was going on this quest because Kronos was there and I would be able to hit him with my awesome hair brushes. Which also I could pull off the handle and have a celsticle bronze and silver dagger that I could kill monsters and mortals with. I had been training on getting a better aim and now I was a pro at throwing them, I had practiced during school with my paint brushes and when I was at camp with daggers. When we knocked out/ killed the last one Percy, Annbeth and I high fives laughing at there faces when they had seen my hair brushes. Harry, Hermoine, and Ron looked very confused and in awe I just smirked. Thalia who had helped me when she was by my school with practice would be proud of me and I was happy to hear from Aritmis that she was awake and recovering well. Also I was happy to know that Feastas had videotaped everything so I sent it to Thailia so she cold watch it while she was recoving, apparently she had been informed about the Wizard world by Aritmis when she had heard Percy was gone again she treathed to leave the hunt if they didn't go searching for him so Aritmis had told her. She texted me back saying "Nice job! You should smack Percy with one for me on Tazer mode and say it was from Thalia for disappering again." I texted back a totally yes and then went to find Percy who was talking to Annbeth. I tapped him with a hair brush that was on mild lighting shock mode so it would be about Thailas streanth of shock and shocked him with it. "Hey!" He yelled before Turing around ready to douch me with water. "Thalia texted me and told me to do it I said holding out my phone to show him. He then started laughing and we all joined in before Calpyso shouted out "We're here!" 

Percy Jackson: Aperated away!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt