Double agent evil

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A week later---------

Leo: "How much more time till we get to Scootland?" Piper asked me for the millionth time. "Okay look. IN TEN HOURS OKAY?!?" I yelled back. Piper laughed, darn it I knew she was trying to annoy me! Uggggg, all Annbeth does is look at the mirror when it glows so she can see updates on Percy. Aperently he's learning how to do spells with three other kids. The water had gotten slightly brighter sense Posidon knows Percy's alive but that's about it. We don't know were in Scotland Percy is, or this Apartment place in the profcey. Who even owns a scaff and why do we have to get it? We have also been attacked multiple times by strange flying people with wands but they learned to stay away from us as Festas just has to blow fire then they turn into flaming meteorites. I have been hanging out with the gang and Calypso but we found out Iris messages no longer work once were over Europe. I keep the cloaking device on so no mortals see us, no monsters have attacked yet, I guess there aren't demigods in Europe? "LEO. WE HAVE A PROBLUM?!?!" Jason yelled running over to me and ducking just as a beam of light shot over his head. More of the evil wizards? Come on! Wait, Thease spells army green like the evil guys spells Thease are golden! "Surrender!" Yells a voice as a male person land on the deck in combat clothing with three other people right behind him who also have wands. "Calm down every one! Lower the wands." Piper says raising her hands in defeat but I see them unwillingly lower there wands, point one for charm speak! "So you guys aren't the evil wizards that try to kill us right?" Frank says stepping out of the cabin bow in hand. The leader of the people says "You mean Death eaters?" Suddenly Nico starts laughing and collapses to the floor and Hazel and Frank start giggling. "No we went death eaters are your friends okay?" A female adult asks pointing to Nico on the floor. Nico manages to stop laughing and says "In side joke. We have meet a guy nicknamed Death and he's very skinny so just imagining some one eating him was funny." The people look at each other like 'why the heck would someone's nickname be death?' Little do they know Nico,Frank, and Hazel have meet Death. "How is this ship flying? And why were you attacked by death eaters?" The leader asked again raising his wand. "Look dude chill! Our friend was kidnaped by one of the death eater things and we just want to get him back. We have reason to believe he's some were near here." I said raising my hands. "Oh, so what spell ar enou using to make this ship Be able to fly?" The female asked. Spell? Oh right there wizards. "Sorry that's classified. And who are you guys?" Annbeth said steping up on deck. "We're the Order of the Griffen. The newest guarding system for the wizard world. You guys are wizards right?" One of the guys said. "Well, yes but our wands like legit all of them got broken so. Ya." Annbeth said. "All of you? I have never seen you at Hogwarts. Who are you guys realy?" The female asked. "Fine you caught us. We are recently discover we have wizard blood we don't a truly know any spells but our friend the one that is kidnaped was wanted because he aperently had a bunch of magical abilities so the bad guys wanted him. We would like to continue on our way to go looking for him." Calypso said steping up but also whispering in Greek 'Piper charm speak them to tell us everything they know about Percy then make them forget everything and leave.' "Tell me everything you know about Pereos Jackson." Piper said among it at the four wizards in front of us. The leader steped forwards and said in a dreamy tone "Pereos Jackson, grandson of Voldamort. Wanted by the death eaters leader for reasons unknown. Being taught how to use magic by Harry Potter, Ron Weasly, and Hermoine Granger at Harry Potters house. Pereous Jackson prefers to be called Percy. Percy has learned very quickly how to do magic but has frequent random nightmares that only his owl Nuctua can wake him from." Then his face took on a evil er look as he said "The lord of the death eaters wants Percy so he can use a spell to drain him of his wizard powers to make him stronger so he can raise Lord Voldamort from the grave as he has found Lord Voldamorts soul." Suddenly a strange mark appeared on the leaders arm and we relized this guy was working as a double agent! He was a death eater! "Piper! Put them to sleep!" Annbeth command and Piper said with a ton of charm speak directed at them "Sleep and forget everything in the last hour!" All four of them collapsed sleeping and so did Piper but from exsastion. Frank picked up three people who weren't death eaters and flew them down (as a dragon) with there brooms and hid them in an alleyway. The other guy we locked up in a cell with out his wand which we broke. 

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