Dreams and reuniting

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Percy: I saw Leo and Calypso flying on Feastas but somthing was chasing them. Why hadent the Gods let Calypso free? I had asked that! What was chasing them? Ohhhh the gods were going to get an earful of me when I saw them next! My dream abruptly changed "he had a daughter." A guy with black hair, emerald green eyes, glasses and a lighting bolt scar on his forehead stated in disbelief. "Yes, before he became outwardly evil he married a witch, they had a child, a little girl but when he reviled his dark heart his wife fearing for her child's goodness sent her away to be raised by mortals in America. His wife told him that their daughter had died while he was away and she had buried her. This made him so angerly he killed his wife and well you know the rest." A lady with gray hair and a witch hat said to the guy. The guy put his hands on his head and he said "and the daughter was a squib. So she never was brought to Hogwarts." The lady nodded and then continued "Her name was Sally, and we have just recently found out she changed her name to Sally Jackson and has a son." The guy just kinda stood there in shock and then he whispered "And he has potential magical abilities and Dumbledoor was going to go get him when he died." The lady again nodded then I woke up. What the heck had that been? Hogwarts? My mom was a squid? the dream was already dim but a few word rung in my head Hogwarts, Magic,Squid, My mom? Leo was Alive? The gods hadnt fulfilled my request? Suddenly I heard my cabin door flung open and I looked up to see Annabeth walking in the moon shining behind her lighting her up with a silvery glow. Tears were streaming down her face and I knew she had had another dream of Tartaus. I held out my arms and she rushed into them hugging me tightly and she whispered "It was terrible." I smother her hair out on the top of her head and kissed it lightly. Then I scooted over and she layed down beside me, I pulled the covers over us and she fell back to sleep. My dream was still spinning threw my head as I fell back to sleep. I awoke in the morning to Annabeth tickling me, my eyes shot open and I chanced her around the room yelling "The tickle monster shall rein supreme!" I finally caught her and tickled her a bit before we both headed down to eat. I sat down at my table all alone like usual and ate some blue pancakes. Well I was going to eat blue pancakes before I got lost in thought thinking about my dream. Leo was alive with Calypso? Was my mom adopted? Did she have an evil dad? I groaned internally at the thought of yet another evil grandfather. Why me? Couldn't we have one peaceful year? I dident even relize every one had left the cortyard until I felt a had no my shoulder, I whipped around quickly judo flipping the person like Annabeth ap had taught me before realizing it was Just Jason. "Whoa man! You looked deep in thought and everyone's already left execpt for Annabeth, Piper and I." He said as I helped him up. "Jason. Leo's alive." I stated. That whipped the grin of his face and he just started at me in shock then he asked "How do you know this?" "Let's just say I had a dream he was riding on Feastas with Calypso and there running Trying to fly away from somthing realy fast." I replied as Piper and Annabeth walked up. Piper heard the word Feastas and imedetly said "Did you say Feastas?" I just grabbed Jason's and Pipers arms and dragged them to the beach. Annabeth following close behind wondering what I was doing. Once I got to the beach I said "Jason I need your help to send a storm to drive them towrds us. You send lighting right behind them that should scare off whatevers chasing them and I'll send a wave also. Then we need to make the storm to give Feastas some help getting here quickly." I said give orders. Jason set his jaw and concentrated. I did the same, concentrating I made a wave form right behind them dragging down some of the things that were flying after them. Jason smiled some of them and we both created a storm to help get them here. I heard the sound of the storm in the distance and all the people chasing them had disappeared. I opened my eyes to see a dragon on the horizon two dots on its back. Piper screamed in excitement once she saw the dragon and Annabeth hugged me tightly. Me? I just felt dizzy from all that and me and Jason sat down thoroughly exsasted. If I had tried that a few months ago I would have passed out for a week. About ten minutes later Feastas landed on the shore and Calypso and Leo slid off looked exsasted as well. Piper ran over and hugged Leo and Jason and I got up. Jason managed to hug Leo before flopping back down on the sand again. I hugged Leo and then I walked over to Calypso and hugged her I whispered in her ear "I'm glad he got you out. Just be warned he can be crazy sometimes." She laughed and hugged me back replying "He better watch out for me too!" Annabeth also hugged her saying "Glad you managed to get out." Then we all just collapsed onto the sand a cool breeze rushing over us and the smell of salt water. Piper and Annabeth ran off to tell everyone and Jason, Leo, Calypso and I just took a nap on the beach not knowing the crazy events that would happen the next day.

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