Dolphins rescuer

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Percy: There was a celebration in camp for the return of Leo and Calypso. We ate good food and drank lots of soda, we danced and talked. We had a awesome time and right now Annabeth and I had snuck away from the party and were just sitting on the shore talking. "So how's been your sleep recently?" Annabeth asked me. I thought back to the strange dream I had had. Hogwarts? Evil grandfather 2.0? Magic? Like magic was real but they sounded like it was normal every day stuff. Like it would be used in cleaning or somthing, that would be cool just to magically clean your room. Then you wouldn't have to clean it up in a rush before you left camp for the school year. "Percy?" Annabeth asked Jarring me out of my thoughts. "Sorry just got lost in thought. I've had some strange dreams." I replied trying to sound like its no big deal. Annabeth could sense that I was hiding somthing though and raised an eye brow. "Demigod dreams or just normal strange dreams?" I sighed guess I would have to tell her. "There was this older lady with like a witch hat and she was talking to a guy who looked similar to me but not a lot. The lady was saying my mom had been sent to America because her father was some evil guy and that she was a squid?" I said, Annabeth just kinda started at me before saying "I hope to the gods that it was just a strange dream." I smiled and kissed her on the lips. Then we got up and I walked her back to her cabin. "Good night Wise Girl!" I said giving her a quick kiss on the lips. She smiled and replied "Good night Seaweed brain!" As I was wlKing back to my cabin Black jack dropped I front of me. "Hey boss! Some sea creatures need ya." I internally groaned just wanting to get back to bed but I replied "Okay, let's go." I got on Black Jacks back and he flew me out to around the docks in New York, the mortals would just see a large bird or somthing and it was night so I wasn't worried. BlackJack set me down at the docks and I saw a dolphin had gotten traped in a net. I took out riptide and cut it free it saying "thank you my lord!" Many, many times. I didn't even bother to correct the creature I was to sleepy. I got back onto black jack saying "Why don't we go vist my mom and Paul before heading back." "Sure thing Boss!" He replied flying off to my moms house. We landed and I told him he could go fly off but to back withen an hour. After he flew away my neck prickled as I saw more of those creepy people that had been chasing Leo and Calypso. Were they a new kind of monster? I took out riptide and prepared to fight. One of them took out a black stick, no wand and abided it at me. I knew what ever the guy was going to do with the stick couldn't be good so I jumped out of the way just as a spell came shooting out of the wand. The next spell I reflected with Riptide and it hit the broom of one of the people. They were on brooms? Just like witches. Strange. There were five of them counting the one that as now unconscious on the ground. I heard the door to the apartment building open behind me, but I was to busy reflecting spells and dogging them to even care. I just hoped it wasn't  more of them. Maybe they were after my mom? I did have a dream about her so maybe Thease things were from my evil grandfather who didn't even know she was alive. Well he must know she's alive if he sent them. I got a tad bit to distracted and got hit in the side with a spell knocking me to the ground not able to move. I heard some yelling and another of the people got hit with a spell falling to the ground. The other three flew off probably for reinforcements, I contemplated trying to move. I couldn't move it just seamed physically impossible. I heard foot steps walk over to me but as I was in the ground unable to move I couldn't see who caused them. Then I heard the voice in my dreams, the one from the guy. "Looks like he got hit with a stunning spell. This her son? Perseus Jackson?" I managed to move some and I said "It's Percy Jackson." I could hear the guys shock in his voice as he said "You shouldn't have been able to move for at least an hour with treatment!" I groaned rolling over to face the guy that had been in my dreams with the Lady. I tryed to get up but failed miserably just making myself be more tired. "We can't Aperated him in this condition. But the Death eaters must already know he lives here and there probuly going for re-enforcements. I've told his mom and her Husben to move and there packing as we speak. She didn't know were he was so she wont know now." The Lady said as I tried to stay awake. "Grover." I managed to say before I blacked out to dreams. 

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