17. Hello Sister.

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I watched as the rain poured outside my window. I wanted to run out there so bad, but I didn't want to ruin my dress and I couldn't afford to get sick right now.

It's been 2 months and there has been nothing. Neither side has attacked. Maybe it because they promised not to fight on each others land. I don't know, but something has to give. Everyone is scared an anxious. A lot of people haven't seen their families in two months either.

"How does this look?" Tyler motions his hands to the suit he was wearing. He looked really nice but something needed to be fixed.

"Your tie is crooked." I walk over to him and grab his tie. I fix it until it's straight. Once it's done I smile up at him.


He had made reservations for us at a fancy restaurant. He wanted to take me out. We've both been really stressed so this will be fun.
We put Tara and Lucas in charge.

We both grab our umbrellas and head out to the car. As I walked I paid attention to my feet. I decided to wear heels. Still trying to figure out what possessed me to do that.

The restaurant was dim. The only light was form candles. Almost everything in here was red, giving it a warm feeling.

Tyler had talked to the host and told him his name.

"Ah yes, we have set up the balcony just for you. Please follow me." He smiles and leads us through the room and up the stairs. We went through a door and outside. Well kind of. The balcony looked like a sunroom so it wasn't directly outside.

"Your waiter will be up shortly with your order." We thanked him and passed him out menus. I finally got to take a look at the view. It was really breath taking.

"This is so beautiful." I can't help but smile at Tyler. This has probably been the best date and it just started.

"I was going to say almost as beautiful as you but I felt like that'd be cheesy and a little cliche." I giggle at the small frown on his face.

"No way! I don't believe you." I laugh at
Him.  He had told me that the night after we met he followed me to the my house just to make sure I got home safe.

"I did. When I was leaving, I actually didn't leave. I waited until you left." He blushes a little.

"That is the sweetest thing ever. "
We finished our dinner and than discussed somethings before the waiter came back up.

"Here is your dessert." He places a large cake in the middle. It was all chocolate and it had a rose decoration in the middle.

"I kind of don't want to eat it, it's just so pretty!" I've never seen such a beautiful cake before.

"Well then look away while I cut a pice off."

The cake tastes as amazing as it looked. I could have finished the whole thing by myself but Tyler had it wrapped.

"I have something for you." Tyler says. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a tiny silver box. He slides it over to me.

"Tyler you didn't have to get anything." I felt bad because I didn't even think of getting a gift.

"It's not just for you." I look at him and then open the box.

Fire in Alpha Eyes (Rewriting/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now