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"Hm, no not this one either." I groan as Tara throws another outfit of mine on the floor. I cringe as her heels step on my now wrinkled clothing. I let out a growl as she hand another shirt out of my closet.

"You know, I can dress myself. I'm not a child." I glare and stand up from the end of my bed. I snatch the white shirt out of her hands. "You are literally ruining all my laundry."

I still haven't forgave Tara for what happened at the diner. However, I knew if I brought it up she would just play dumb. It wasn't worth it.

"I just wanted to help. No need to get all worked up. I'll put everything back." I watch carefully as she begins to pick up my things and puts them back in there places.

"I already have an outfit picked out. If you would have listened to me earlier you would have know." I walk over to my white dresser and pull out the different pieces of fabric. Tara watches as I hold the pieces up one by one. Once I was down she claps. I look down at the back shirt and purple skirt I had picked out.

"Wow, my best friend really does have a sense of style. You're going to blow everyone away at this party tonight."

I cringe at her words and set the outfit down on my bed. "That's not really my goal tonight but okay." I move over to my vanity and pull my curling iron out of a drawer. I plugged it into the outlet beside the white desk.

"Kendall this could be the night. Your mate could be there! Take some pride in how you look. You will be absolutely beautiful."

I let out a scoff. "Mate, mate, mate. That's all I ever hear. Kendall, you should always look nice. Who knows you might run it or your mate!" I mock the voice of no one in particular.

It's not that I didn't want my mate. I did, I really did. It's just frustrating to always be told you need to look a certain way or act a certain way to attract them.

"I'm sure a mate would love anyone no matter how they look." I let out a huff and turn to face the mirror on my vanity.

Tara sighs and grabs a hold of my curling iron. "I didn't mean to upset you."

Ignoring what she said I speak. "I'm only going through with dressing up because it's a party and I want to look good for myself." She hums and begins curling my hair.

As she does my hair I concentrate on my make up. I always found doing make up soothing. Unless I can't get my winged eyeliner right. That is not a pretty sight to see.

"You two look lovely," my mother smiles. Tara and we're making our way down the stairs. "What times does the party start?"

I switch my gaze to the clock hanging on the wall. It was about 7:30 p.m. "In about thirty minutes. We should probably leave now since we have to drive to get to the pack land."

I'd rather drive through the forest than change into my wolf form and ruin not only my outfit but my look as a whole.

"Well, alright." She now frowns. "Please be careful. You know the drill."

"No drinking and if it's late then we stay at the pack house and come back early in the morning. I love you mom." I place a small kiss on her forehead as I make my way out the door. A moment later and I probably wouldn't have made it out.

I let out a sigh of relief as I hope into Tara's Jeep.

"We actually made it past your mom," Tara laughs. "I didn't think it was possible." I roll my eyes but laugh with her.

Fire in Alpha Eyes (Rewriting/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now