12. Marked

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I traced over the tattoo like marking that is now on my neck. I trace every line and shape. It felt good but also weird to have this marking.

I looked into the mirror and stare at my eyes. They had changed. The eye that was green is now a dark red color. I can't help but wonder why my blue eye stayed and hadn't turned red like the other.

I was pulled out of my thought when I felt something press against my back and arms wrapping themselves around my waist. I relaxed and fell back into the person behind me.

"Are you okay?" Tyler whispers before placing a soft kiss on the marking. I nod in response. I was afraid my voice would give out if I made a sound.

I turned around so that I was looking at him. He looked down at me intensely. I looked at the marking on his neck and to the other markings on his arms. Burn Markings. I frown, it hurts to know that I caused that.

"Hey," he lifts my chin to look at him. "It's okay. It doesn't hurt." Once again I nod. I wrap my arms around his torso and hide my face in his chest.

"I'm sorry." I choke out. My throat felt dry. Has it been that long since I talked?

"Kendall stop apologizing. It's your power, don't be scared of it." He softly caresses my cheek causing both Aya and I to feel a warm wave pass through us.

"They are waiting in the garden." He intertwines our fingers. I straighten the white dress I was wearing and follow him out of the room.

My heart pounded hard with each step I took. Why was I so nervous? We made it out to the garden. Everyone was talking and eating. They all stopped when they noticed our presence. I felt judgment fill through the air. We stood in front of the pack.

"Today we are here to celebrate Kendall becoming your Official Luna." The crowed fills with the claps and cheers causing me to feel less nervous.

"She will begin training as soon as possible," Ah I forgot about training. "Also we will be having a meeting later discussing our problem with another pack." I look at him surprised. Is he talking about Kai's pack?

As soon as his speech was over, he took me around to meet his family. I met a his grandparent. Well grandpa, since I already met his grandmother. We decided to sit and eat with them.

"So when is the wedding?" I almost spit out the champagne I was drinking. I quickly swallowed the drink and looked anywhere but at the people I was sitting with.

"Grandma, we haven't even thought of that." His words kind of stung. He hasn't even thought about marrying me?

"Well I just though since you just-"

"We aren't ready for that just yet. We don't even love each other." I let out a small whimper at his words.

"Tyler! How can you say it like that!" His grandmother hissed. His eyes widen and he looked at me. I tried to his my frown but I couldn't move.

"Kendall you know I didn't mean-"

"I'm going to get another drink," I stand up from my seat. "Would you like anything?" I asked his grandparents. They didn't want anything.

I filled my champagne glass to the top. I'm not much of a drinker but I really like this. It was so warm and bubbly.

I started thinking about how I was going to do this, how I was going to be the Luna of this pack. How was I going to work beside Tyler? This celebration may be for me, but I don't feel like I earned it. I don't feel like a Luna.

"But you are. You are my Luna."

"You know I don't like it when you read my mind. It's creepy." I take a sip of my drink and turn to Tyler.

"Look I didn't mean it like how it came out. It's just we barley know each other and I didn't want that to make you uncomfortable. We already had to mate and I thought that's was already pushing it." He explains his words.

"Have you even thought of marrying me?" I suddenly ask. He sighs and nods his head.

"I thought about it when I first saw you. You know when you interrupted my meeting." He smirked causing a blush to cover my cheeks.

"I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings." He apologize. I give him a small smile and embrace him. "It's fine. I over reacted."

Later Tyler and I were in the room watching a movie before he had to go to a meeting.

"Can I ask you something?" I remembered something I was confused about. He nods.

"We're you talking about Kai's pack?" That was the only pack that has given us some trouble in a while.


"But I thought everything was good after our hangout." They looked like friends when we got ice cream.

"We only made a deal then." He says.

"And what was that?"

"To never fight on each other's land. When we fight it must be somewhere else." I frown at his words. If it was on our land we would have an advantage.

"So you're saying that we are going to fight?"

"Yes. That's is why it's important you start training as soon as possible." I nod in understanding.

"The meeting starts soon. Do you want to come?"

"As Luna, I guess I must." I'm official now might as well start doing Luna things.

"Alright. Let's go."

During the meeting, I sat between Tyler and Lucas. Lucas had apologized for what had happened the other morning. Tyler and I forgave him. It wasn't really his fault.

I didn't really talk. It was just Tyler. I didn't know what to say. I don't feel like I'm a leader. I didn't even know there was a problem

Fire in Alpha Eyes (Rewriting/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now