15. You don't think

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"Did you pack everything you needed?" Tyler had me pack a bag just in case we had to leave the land or if it gets destroyed somehow. That makes me very nervous. I don't want to think about the land being destroyed.

"Most of it. I still have things in using now." I say. He nods and continues with his bag. His didn't have much in it. Except I noticed him out in the book Fara had given us. 

"You're actually taking that? I thought you didn't like that book?" I raise my eyebrow.

"There's information in here I need." He simply says. What in there could be possible need? He's acting really secretive about it.

"Like what?" He freezes. What, it was just a question.. I feel like he's hiding something from me. His actions don't help me think other wise.

"We need to know more about your power." He says and I cross my arms. He knew I wasn't buying that. We have looked through all the pages about gifts from demons. There's not more to learn.

"Can you tell me the truth? Or do you not trust me?" We shouldn't be hiding things from each other.

"Woah, why are you bringing trust into this? This has nothing to do with trust this has to do with me!" His outburst startled me a little bit. He notices and quickly apologized. He grabs my hand and kisses it lightly as part of his apology.

"Here." He passes me the book. I hesitate before taking it and opening it. There was a page marked. It was a page about gifts from Angels. Why would he look at this? We know mine is from a demon.

"Why would you need to know about this?" He looks away from me.

"Do you have a gift?" That's the only thing I could of think of.

"Used to." He says shocking me. Why didn't he tell me this before? Why did we waste time at Fara's if he already knew.

"I got the potion from Fara and got rid of it. I've been trying to get it back. I regret getting rid of it. That's why I wouldn't let you get rid of yours." He explains.

"Why did we go to Fara if you knew?"

"I didn't, I only knew about angel gifts. Yours defiantly didn't represent an angel. I had to figure out what it was."

"What was yours?" I ask curiously.

"Does it even matter? I didn't tell you because I had no reason to. I don't have it anymore so I should just act as if it never existed." I felt bad, it seems to really upset him.

I closed the book and placed it in his bag. He watches me intensely as I do. I'm hoping it makes him feel some what better.

I went through my mental check list and remembered something. I went to my dirty jeans that are in the corner of the room. I reached in my pocket and grabbed a hold of the picture. I stared at it for a second before placing it in my bag.

"Who was that?" Tyler asks causing me to jump.  The memory once again plays through my mind. I felt like I should tell Tyler.

"You want to know why I hate bridges?"


"Kendall, wait I think I found something." He yelled from the other side of the bridge.

"Be careful! Mom doesn't want us close to the edge!" I yell at him.

"Your such a goody goody Kendall.." I roll my eyes and look at what he wanted to show me. It was a paw print.

"Wow, that's a big dog! Maybe it was a wolf!" I exclaim. Wolfs are very important to our family. Since we are wolves ourselves. Well I'm not. At least I don't think so.

"Yah, stop zoning out! Look over there!" I follow to were he was pointing. I was right, there stood a wolf. He was really big.

"He doesn't look friendly. We should go back to mom." I pull on his shirt and he swiped my hand away.

"You are such a baby. I think he's nice. Plus if he's a werewolf maybe he's from our pack!" I shake my head. I don't think that's right. He's not from the pack.

"Children! Come back!" My mother screams suddenly a bouncy of wolves surrounded us. I saw one attacking my cousin. Also a car had blown up. Causing a crack in the bridge.

"Kai! We need to go now!" I pull forcefully on my brothers arm! He finally comes to his senses and follows me.

The wolf we had seen earlier had now followed of and was clawing at our steps. The bridge in front of us started pulling apart.

"Jump across!" Kai yells. I do as he says and jump over to the other side. He was behind me but slips at the last minute. The wolf had grabbed onto him. Kai held on to the side but the wolf was heavy. 

"Grab my hand!" I reach down to my big brother. Before he could grab my hand the weight of the wolf pulled him down.

"Kai!" I scream and tears flow down my cheeks. There was a growl behind me and then everything went black.

"Kendall sweetie, we have to go! Where's your brother?" My dad scoops me up in his arms. It takes me a second to get back to reality. I let out a pain sob and soon my dad does too. He pulls himself together and we run. The bridge collapses as soon as we are off.

I was 6 at this time.

*end of flashback*

"I'm so sorry k-"

"That name! I've never been able to remember my brothers name until now. I had forgotten it after I was hit." I exclaim and fear shoots through me.

"You said the name Kai. Your brothers name is Kai."

"You don't think-"

"Not possible. It can't be."

Fire in Alpha Eyes (Rewriting/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now