13. Go easy

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"Wake up, you are going to be late." A voice calls, trying to pull me out of my sleep. I was not going to let that happen.

"Go away."

"Kendall, get up now! Your trainer is waiting. Do you really want to be late for your first day?" I nod my head in response and turn the other way.

It got quiet and I was finally at peace and could fall back asleep. That's thought was disrupted when cold water was thrown on me. I jumped up at quick as I could.

Tyler was looking at me with a smirk on his face. I glared back at him.

"Now the beds wet." I whine. There's no way I could sleep now.

"Quit whining. Go get ready." Tyler throws a towel at me. He still had that dumb smirk on his face.

"What time is it?" I ask and then wipe my face with the towel.


"What! Why so early? I should still be sleeping!" I exclaim.

"Training is more important than sleep."

Tyler had walked me to the training grounds before he left to do some business. So while I train, he gets to sit. Hmm, unfair if you ask me. Also couldn't he have picked someone else to be my trainer?

"Your ready?"Erica gets in a stance in front of me. I really didn't want to do this.

"Don't really have a choice." I sigh and then get into a stance. "I'll go easy." She counts down before charging at me. I dodge her attack. She honestly wasn't that fast. Practice fighting was the easiest part out of the whole training.

"Push! It's not even that heavy!" Erica yells in my ears. What does she mean it's not heavy! This weight it's like 2 alphas put together. Plus you try pushing it up hill.

"Kendall, you are so slow!" She yells again. I growl at her and she laughs. Once I made it to the top I let the weight fall down the hill. I frown at the soreness in my arms.

"You did okay today. Hopefully you will do better tomorrow." Erica says as we walk down the hill.

"I have to do this tomorrow too?" No one told me I had a schedule.

"Of course. Did Tyler not discuss this with you?" I shake my head. He never said anything about how long I'd be training for.

"I guess he forgot to mention all of it. Anyway, let's go get smoothies." I was shocked at her offer. I thought she hated me and now she's asking to hangout?

"What's that look for?" She laughs at my shocked expression.

"I don't know. I thought you hated me."

"I did. But you're not that bad. Now smoothies?" She asks again a an I nod. I think we may have just become friends.

"Does Tyler know we left the land?" I feel like he should be informed for some reason.

"No but he's probably be happy to hear that his mate and sister are getting along. So make sure you tell him all the fun we had today." She says the last part as a joke causing me to laugh.

We currently sat at a smoothie place I had never been to. It looked very futuristic. It was a nice theme I guess.

"So how are things with you and Tyler now?"

"Umm we are good I guess." I didn't really know how to answer the question.

"Has he proposed or anything?" Ah, the marriage question has been brought up again.

"We aren't even dating. We've been in dates but we've never but a label."

"But you're both marked. That pretty much means you are together."

"Really?" She gives me a dumb look.

"For being a werewolf, you know nothing about us."

I shrug. "When I lived with my mom, she didn't really explain anything. She liked to keep it simply so she didn't tell me any major things. I think she wished I was human." I frowned at the mentioning of my mother. I haven't talked to her in months. I wonder is she's okay.

"Hmm, you have a lot to learn then. That's sucks since you are a Luna." I nod in agreement.

"Erica, hi." Suddenly a tall handsome many walks over to our table. He had a girl beside him. I looked at Erica to see pain and anger in he eyes. Who is this?

"You look great." He smiles at her. She doesn't smile back.

"Leave me alone." She growls at him. The girl next to him steps back a little. I knew right away, she was human.

"Look Erica, I'm sorry for the pain I have-"

"You don't get to be sorry. Who's that?" She points at the girl next to him. The girl shrinks back.

"My fiancé." The guy speaks. Erica frowns and looks down.


"It was nice seeing you." He sighs before leaving. I watch as the couple walks out the door and down the street.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine. He's just an asshole."

"Who was that?" I ask quickly hoping it wouldn't upset her more. She leans back in her chair and I'm ready for her to yell at me and say it's none of my business. Damn, why am I so nosy?!

"An ex. He was my mate," my heart hurts a little at her words. I knew where this was going. "He rejected me and left our pack. I haven't seen him in years. I guess he's into dating humans now."

"But werewolf's die without their mates. How are you okay?" I clamp my hand over my mouth. That was a horrible question Kendall!

"You don't know much, but you know that?" She raises an eyebrow.

"That is one thing my mom had discussed with me."

"I'm strong. I wasn't going to let that kill me. Sure i was upset for a long time. But my pack needed me, I wasn't going down." I smile at her answer.

"Erica, you are awesome."

Fire in Alpha Eyes (Rewriting/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now