10. Painfully Protective

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"Can you uh, pass my the syrup." I say lightly. All the way from the other side of the table sat Tyler. He looks at the syrup and quickly slides it down the table.

He's been acting very awkward and distant this morning. I'm guessing it has to do with what happened last night.

"Are you oka-"

"I'm fine." He says lowly. He is such a bad liar. "Look if this is about last night. I told you it was okay-"

"It's not about last night. Well, kind of...Whatever just don't bring it up again. I need to go get some work done." He grabs his plate and places it in the sink. He goes to exit through the door behind me.

"Hey Kendall!" A mans voice echoes through the kitchen causing Tyler to freeze.

"He Lucas, what's up?" I ask. He starts to come near me but is stopped when suddenly Tyler is in front of me blocking him.

"Oh hey Tyler I didn't see you there. I just came to give Kendall her jacket that she let Tara borrow." He pulled the jacket from behind his back. Tyler snatches it and hands it back to me.

"Tyler man, are you okay?"

"Yea I'm fine. Are you okay?" He growled. Lucas looks at him confused. "I'm fine-"
Why does the air feel so heave right now? It was also really hot.

"Don't you even try." Tyler moves close to me. What is going on right now.

I here a growl and I no for a fact it's not Tyler's. I look to the side to see Lucas. His eyes were black but not as dark as Tyler's we're last night.

"Where's Tara." That must of snapped something because Lucas goes back to his normal state. His face was full of shock. He mutters a quick apology and leaves.

"What is going on?" Tyler lets out a sigh and turns to face me. "I think we should go out today."

"What do you mean? Like on a run?" I guess my wolf could go on one.

"No I mean a date. We could go into town and go see a movie or something." My heart flutters at the idea.  I nod a yes.

" I liked it." I tell Tyler as we exit the cinema.

"Me too. It wasn't bad for a romance movie." I was shocked to hear him say that. We had fought for like 20 minutes trying to decided on a movie. He wanted to watch a new action movie and I wanted the romance movie. I won.

"Wow, who knew the Alpha likes sweet romance movies." I taunt him. Tyler rolled his eyes and intertwines out fingers.

We were about to pass an alley when a noise came from inside. Being the alpha Tyler is, he wanted to check it out and make sure everything was okay. Me being the scaredy cat, I protested. This time he won.

I kept my eyes closed as we walked into the alley. "Ugh really." I look to see two people violently making out. I scrunch my face up in disgust. "Let's go." Tyler whispers. We start to leave the alley.

"Alpha Tyler. Nice to see you." In reflex Tyler pulled me back into his hard chest causing me to let out a painful Yelp.


"What are you two doing here?"Kai talks. Tyler had spun us around so I was in front of Kai but still in Tyler's arms.

Kai stares at me for a second. Before glaring at Tyler. "Why is she out here?" Huh?

"To get away from the pack house. Some stuff happened with one of my men this morning." What are they talking about.

"Hmm, She looks clueless. Don't tell me she doesn't know yet," Tyler looks down causing Kai to let out a laugh." How does she not know?"

"It hasn't hit fully yet." Tyler growls. 

"Babe what's going on? The blonde behind Kai looks at him. "Just talking with some friends." Fiends we aren't friends.

"Kai, why doesn't it affect you?" Tyler asks. Kai shrugs. "You will find out soon enough. Hey how about we go get ice cream. All of us?" Kai suggest like he was with close friends.

"Fine." My eyes widen at Tyler's answer. What does he think he's doing?

Kai smiles, "Great lets go."

"This is amazing!" The blonde squeals. I roll my eyes. It's ice cream..nothing special.

She may be here with Kai but she's been making eyes at Tyler since we left the alley. I'm surprised I've lasted this long with out slapping her.

We all sat in silence. Tyler and Kai ate their ice cream while I glared at the blonde over at the other side of the table. She would steal glances at Tyler.

"So Tyler, you're an alpha too?" Blonde smirks and twirls a piece of hair.

"Uh yea."

"You definitely look like an alpha." She looks him up and down.

"Kendall," I look at Tyler and hum in response. He points at my hand. "Umm your ice cream is crushed."

I look down at the pieces of cone and the ice cream dripping down my hand. "Oh oops." I grab a couple of napkins and wipe my hand.

Kai and Tyler started to discuss things, while I made sure to ignore whatever he name is. I was staring into space when things started to sway and my eyes got blurry.

"T-ty.." I call as I try to get to my feet. I was able to stand up.

"Kendall what-" Tyler stopped as if he knew the answer already. I don't even know the answer.

"I don't feel very good." I whisper. Suddenly my legs gave out beneath me. Tyler's arms wrapped around me.

"Kendall.." My eyes slowly opened at the call of my name. In front of me was an older lady. Her hair was dark grey and she was short.

"You need to take this. It will help with any pain." She holds up a pill to me.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"Your room." She says. "Now, take this pill please." I nod and grab the pill from her. I swallow it.

"You're awake! I just ran out to get some food." Tyler stood in the doorway. A warm feeling runs through me as I see him.

"I know that look. Stop it right now missy." The lady scolds me.

"Grandma. I have it under control." Tyler walks over to here.

"Really? Then why wouldn't you let a male doctor come in here huh. You had to call your old grandma to come take care of the Luna when she would probably do better with a real doctor. But The big bad Alpha was scared and jealous." She smirks at him.

"Wait can someone explain to me what's going on?" Tyler looks at his grandma and then at me.

"Tell her young man!" She slaps his shoulder. He sighs.

"You're in heat."

Fire in Alpha Eyes (Rewriting/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now