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"Kendall!" I ignore the sound of my name and slam the diner door behind me. I cringe as I hear a little cracking sound come from the glass on the door.

Sometimes I don't know my own strength.

Suddenly the door opens and Tara comes out. She looks somewhat worried but also a little angry. If I knew my best friend, she want angry because of what he said but because the double date had been ruined.

"Kendall, where do you think you're going! You didn't drive." She begins to walk closer to me. Not wanting anyone near me at the moment, I whip my head around looking for a quick escape.

'The woods Kendall. Let's go there.'

My eyes set on the dark woods across from the diner's parking lot. I gulp harshly at the idea of running into unknown territory.

"Let's go inside." Tara speaks loudly behind me. "You should let James apologi-

I felt a growl erupt from my throat and before I know it my feet were running towards the foreign trees. Aya nor I wanted to hear my best friend stick up for that monster inside.

I ran as fast as my feet could take me and as soon as I knew I was out of public eye I let Aya take over. I could hear her grey paws hit against the dirt beneath us. I watch the viridescent trees pass through her eyes.

'I hope you didn't take James words to heart, Kendall. He wasn't there so he should never speak of that incident.'

I let out a small whimper as memories from that awful night replayed in my mind. I hate how weak I become when my father is mentioned. That was my only weakness.

After running around for about half an hour Aya stopped at a stream to get a drink of water and cool down. She plopped down on to the dirt not caring about her now dirty fur. She lays her head down close to the edge of the water.

'Aya, why couldn't we do anything that night. Why didn't we stop them?'

My wolf whimpers slightly at the question. I  felt guilty for asking her that question. I knew she felt as bad as I did. She carries the same weight as I. After all, we are technically one so she lost her father too.

'We were only a kid. Even if we wanted to save him, it would have been no use. We would have died as well.'

I say nothing in return. Apart of me felt like she was slightly wrong. I do believe we may have died but with my gift I could have possibly saved my father. If only we weren't too late. I'd sacrifice myself for him.

I was finally starting to relax when I heard a crunch form somewhere behind us. Aya's head shoots up and she swiftly rises to her feet. She looks around and sticks her nose up to smell.

'Someone's coming.'

'Well, run!'

"We don't have time. You need to climb that tree to hide. Take control.'

'What? I can't climb that tree. You climb it.'

'Kendall, I can't fit all the way up there. You have to do it.'

Before I could argue more she had let go and I shifted back. "Goddammit, Aya!" I hiss and run towards the tree. I could no longer hear footsteps so I couldn't tell how close the person was.

Ignoring that I was bare, i climb the tree swiftly. On my way up I noticed a black shirt folded neatly between two branches. Not caring who's it was, I grabbed it and confined climbing up to a solid part of the tree. Thankfully the leaves surrounded me.

I unfold the large t-shirt and place it over myself. If I was going to get caught, I at least need to be covered. The shirt smelled like strong cologne. It wasn't bad but a little overpowering

My head shoots down as I hear a twig snap beneath the tree. My eyes widen at the sight  of an extremely large brown wolf. He wasn't big enough to be an Alpha so he must be a beta. I mentally prayed that this shirt was his and masked my sent. I also hoped that he would not shift and come looking for the shirt.

I watch intensely as the wolf walks cautiously around the area.

'He must be from a pack around here. They probably smelled us and sent someone to come check. I'm sure he'll leave soon.'

Aya was right. Not long after, the wolf took off in the other direction. Once I knew he was out of sight I climbed down the tree.

'Okay so can you take control now so we can get out of here.'

'Don't be dumb human. If I take control they will surely smell us and turn back around. Your sent is masked with that shirt on so I suggest you just walk.'

'You have got to be kidding me...'

'Start walking you lazy human!'

By the time I made it home me legs felt like they could fall off at any moment. I had to sneak in the back door so my mother would not see me and ask questions. I snuck to my room and quickly changed into something comfortable.

Once I was changed, I snuck out my window and ran to my front door so my mom would think I just got home. Ugh, the things I have to do so my mom doesn't freak out about where I've been.

I take a deep breath and then pull open the screen door and push the other to get in.

Instantly I'm greeted with my mother shooting up from the couch and making her way over to me.

"Kendall, you're home," she smiles. Her face drops when she looks at my attire. "Why are you in different clothes."

"Uh, well I accidentally spilled a milkshake and it got everywhere. So we ran to Tara's house and I changed." The half lie passed through my lips easily. I mean I really did spill a milkshake. It just wasn't on me.

"Oh well, how did the date go?"

I shrug and turn to begin walking over to our couch. "I don't hate James any less. Actually I hate him more than I did before."

My mother hums and takes a seat next to me. I was shocked that she didn't press to see what I meant. I was glad. For once I didn't get a whole questioning session.

We were in the middle of some show about vampires when we heard a knock at the front door. My mother turned to look at me, asking if I knew who it was. I shrugged and went to get the door.

"No, no. I'll get it." She pulls my arm so I can't go to the door. I plop back down onto the couch and watch as she unlocks the front door and opens it.

"Oh, hello Kyle." My mother greets the young boy. Kyle was a messenger for our pack.

"Hello, I'm here to inform you that. The alpha has requested you and your daughter to join him and his family for lunch tomorrow. He says he needs to discuss something with you both."

I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion. What would the alpha want to speak to us about? Couldn't he send a note or something? I have to suffer by sitting in the same room as James again.

"Alright. We will be there at noon." My mother and the boy exchange goodbyes before she closes and locks the door again.

"Well, looks like we have lunch plans tomorrow."

Without thinking I let out a whine and fall back onto the couch. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

Fire in Alpha Eyes (Rewriting/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now