8. History Lesson

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I rapidly blink, trying to clear the face in front of me.  A lady stood close to my face causing me to jump back. Who is this? Ive never seen her before.

"Oops, didn't mean to scare ya." The lady laughs. I examined the woman. She had very long black hair and fair skin. She was wearing a long dress with a cloak over it. I could tell just by her image that she wasn't a werewolf. 

"You're right, I'm not a werewolf." She says. My eyes widen. She read my mind. How could she do that if shes not a werewolf?

"I'm a Witch," She says. "Oh! I didn't even introduce myself properly. The names Fara, nice to meet you!" She sticks out her hand. I hesitantly reach out and shake it. "Kendall."

"I know who you are." She lets go of my hand and walks towards a bookcase that sat across the room. She starts scanning over the books. She would pick one, read the title, shake her head, and then throw it behind her.

I looked around the room. It was kind of dark and looked more like a shack than a house.  As I was looking around, I noticed Tyler sitting at a table. He was signing something.

"Tyler?" I call his name. His head quickly shoots up. He looks over and starts to stand up. He start walking towards me. "Hey." his voice sounded weak. I noticed that he looked very tired.  He was kind of pale as well. "Where are we?" I ask.

"A family friends home. I brought you here after you passed out. She's going to help." He explains. I nod in understanding. "How long have we been here?"

"About two days" A look of confusion comes across my face.  Two days? I feel as if I've only been asleep for a few hours. "Your energy drained so it took you a while to wake up."

"Oh, here it is!" Fara exclaims as she holds a book in her hands. "Please both of you join me at the table."

Tyler reaches down and helps me up . I almost fell back down but he caught me. It took me a second before I could walk.  Once I was good we walked over. Fara sat on one side and we sat across from her. She started flipping through the books pages. She looked so concentrated."Yah, where is it!" She continues to flip through them for a few more minutes.

"Found it!" She shouts causing me to cover my ears. This witch is so loud.

"Mrs.Storm," My cheeks flush at what she just called me. "Have you ever heard of gifting?" I look at her confused. "Of course, gifting is when you exchange gifts." Fara gives me annoyed look. What, is that not correct? Fara reaches across the table and flicks me on the nose.

"What was that for!" I bark at her. I rub my nose that was now probably red.

"Gifting is a supernatural holiday for special supernatural creatures. This holiday is different for everyone who is lucky enough to have it. No one has it on the same day. The day is special to the creature." Fara explains and passes the book she had over to me.

"Right her it says," she continues." On the holiday, the creature will receive its own gift."

"What does that have to do with me?"I question. I have never heard of this before so it shouldn't have anything to do with me.

Fara leans back in her chair and folds her arms."Have you ever wondered why your eyes are two different colors? Or why you have kind of like a 'demon' side? Have you noticed you're the only one in your family like this?" She smirks like she has a secret.

"Of course I have. Are you saying I'm half demon?" She called it a demon side.  Her eyes widen and she quickly shakes her head. "No. There's never been a werewolf, demon mix. However, you kind of do have demon like power."I felt relieved to know  that I wasn't half demon."Okay that's good,  I guess."

"Can we just get to the point?" Tyler speaks impatiently. Fara glares at him and reaches forward to flick his nose. "Don't rush me boy!" She scolds. Tyler glares and lets out a low growl as he rubs his now red nose.

"So the importance of all this is that when you were younger you were given a gift. " Fara smiles happily at me.

"I don't remember that happening." Wouldn't I remember celebrating that holiday and receiving this gift?

"You were probably too young to remember. Anyway demons do play into this. Gifts are either given by an angel or a demon," She starts. "Yours was given to you by a demon. They gave you the power called Flame. You don't make fire, you become fire yourself." I stare at her blankly trying to process everything.

"This is crazy. I never asked for this 'gift'. Who's the demon that gave it to me, I need to talk to them." I question."You can't talk to them." Fara says.

"But I want them to take it back!" I barked out of anger. I never asked for this!

Fara looked a little worried," Maybe we should calm down a little. Look, sometimes people are unhappy with their gifts. You don't have to talk to them to get rid of it, there's another way."

"Well what is it?" I ask impatient.

"I could make a potion. It would take me a few weeks or months though." Fara says.

"That sounds grea-"

"No, we don't need it. Thank you Fara for your little history lesson. Kendall it's time to go." Tyler stands up. He reaches down and picks me up from my seat, carrying me bridal style.

"Anytime!" Fara shouts as we walk through the door. Tyler opens the passenger side door and places me in. A few seconds later he gets in the driver side."Why did you say that!" Tyler just ignores me and start the car.

"Tyler, I want that potio-"

"No. I'm not letting you change a part of you. I know for a fact that after you get rid of it, you will hate yourself for doing that." Tyler says annoyed.

"How do you know?"

Tyler doesn't answer for a second."I just do."

Fire in Alpha Eyes (Rewriting/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now