16.Being a Leader

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"Training starts in 20 minutes. Please meet at the training grounds. Don't be late!" I try to speak as confident as possible. Today it was my turn to be the leader. I've been running around getting people together and getting raining and other things put together. Tyler was out doing some business with a pack that we have an alliance with.

Women and children who would be transferred over to there to be kept safe. Some of the women would be helping us in the fight though.

"Luna, can I get things for my daughter and sons instead of training?" A man had come up to me.

"Of course." I give him a smile and he quickly thanks me before running off.


"Luna do you have a minute."

Many people came up to me either wanting something or having a question. I felt a little overwhelmed but I pushed through it and helped everyone who needed something.

I can help have a stronger feeling for Tyler. He was doing this all by himself before I came along. I wonder how everything's doing over on his side. I would mind line him but I don't want to be a distraction.

"Kendall. I'm here to help." Tara jumps up beside me.

"Thank you. I think things are finally slowing down. Everyone is going where they are supposed to go." I sigh in relief.

"Well not everyone." She squints her eyes and points over to where the trees start. I could see a lady and her child almost leaving. Tara and I quickly get up and go over to them.

"Hey, where are you going? No one can leave the land." I tell her. The lady looked at me and then at her child and then at the forest.

"I don't want to fight. I can't risk my beautiful getting hurt. Please let us go." She begged and pulled her daughter closer.

"Women and children are being transported to another land to be held safe. You don't need to become a rouge. That's dangerous!" I try to explain to her that she should wait and be patient but I don't think she was listening.

Once again she looks from me, to her child, to the forest. She was deciding on what to do. Hopefully my words got through to her somehow. At least some of them.

"I'm sorry." She apologizes before running into the forest. I stand there shocked. I just watched someone leave from my own pack.

"She wasn't very bright Kendall,"Tara says and places a hand on my shoulder. "She didn't listen to a word you said and now she's made a horrible mistake."

"Tyler is going to be upset."

"Don't worry. I explain everything when he gets back." I nod and we head back over to our spot. Now I hope everyone is in the right place and doing the right thing.

"You look stressed. I haven't seen you look this way since finals!" I glare at her and the. Turn my attention somewhere else.

"You were supposed to laugh." She sighs. I shake my head. She's right, I am stressed. I can't find humor at the moment.

"Excuse me where's The Luna?" I hear a voice ask. I look over to see Tyler asking Jay. Jay points this way and Tyler's eyes land on me. I give him a small wave and he walked over.

"Hey, can I speak to you in my office," I get up and move to his side. "Tara can you watch and let us know if any trouble?" Tara nods.

I follow Tyler back to the pack house and into his office. He sat down in his chair and I sat in mine.

"They are going to send trucks in a couple hours for the people who aren't going with us. Did you manage to keep everyone in line?"  He asks.

"Well not everyone," I start. "A women and her child left." So much for Tara being the one to break the news.

"What do you mean? Where did they go?" He questions.

"They left the pack. I tried to stop them but she wouldn't listen to me." I explained all the things I had told her.

"Hmm, alright." He says calmly and leans back in his chair. He closes his eyes. I lean over and softly caress his cheek. His eyes open and he looks at me.

"You know, you're really beautiful." He says almost in a whisper. My heart is filled with a feeling I can't describe.

"Thank you." My voice was hush as well. Suddenly Tyler reached out and grabbed the side of my chair pulling me forward. As soon as I was close enough, he picked me up and placed me in his lap. He leans down and kisses the mark on my neck.

"One of the best decisions I've ever made." He says before placing his lips on mine. The kiss was soft and sweet and I felt, loved.

I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him as close as possible. Our lips moved faster. One of his hands found mine and he intertwines our fingers. His free hand held onto the small of my back making sure I wouldn't fall to the ground. If his hand want there, I would definitely be on the ground by now.

The heat between us was intensifying and one of us finally had to pull away.

"We have to stop there. We are supposed to be working." Tyler chuckles. I go to get up but he pulls me back down.

"Lets stay like this for a while." I agree and we go through the rest of the work together.

Everyone in the pack ate dinner together while we waited for the transportation. Everyone looked so tired. I swear I saw a guy falling asleep. He almost landed in his mash potatoes.

Everyone was happy when the trucks finally arrived. They all wanted sleep and now we could all rest.

Tyler and I got ready for bed and both crawled under the blankets. He pulled my to his chest.

"Thank you." He says.

"For what?"

"Being a leader."

Fire in Alpha Eyes (Rewriting/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now