Can i have another one? p.1

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Dean POV

"So, what do you want to do on this beautiful day, my love?" I hugged him from behind resting my head on his shoulder. I could feel his wings shiver at the touch. I leaned closer to him and started planting small kisses on his neck.
"Hmm, do you have anything in mind?"
"Maybe." I said as he turned around and I stepped in between his legs, cupping his face. Slowly I leaned in and kissed him softly. A quiet moan escaped from Cas and I smiled in to the kiss. I moved my hands to his hair and started playing with it. That perfect raven black hair. Oh, how I adored this man.

His hands moved up under my shirt as I sat down on his lap. For what seemed to be forever we just sat there kissing and smiling at each other. One of my hands found it's way down his back until they brushed his wings, making him moan even more. His wings folded themselves around us as Cas stood up carrying me. His wings holding me up around my back and under my thighs, as his hands cupped my face. Never breaking our kiss. I could not stop smiling.

"Castiel, you have no idea how much I love you." I whispered softly before kissing him again. Slowly moving, he took of my shirt. He ripped off his own shirt. Not caring that his wings, who were still carrying me, ruined the shirt completely. He started kissing my neck, making it my turn to moan as we moved up the stairs. It was amazing how strong he was. He didn't even use his hands to carry me, only his wings holding me up. Every time I was scared I was going to fall but each time he held me up.

He turned around using his back to slam open the door to our bedroom. Soon both our pants were gone and he places his hands under my thighs holding me before he slowly lay me down on our bed. This man was going to be the end of me. But I really didn't care because there wasn't a person walking on this earth that I loved more than him. I would give up everything just to be with him.

"I love you too Dean. More than you could ever imagine." He whispered in my ear, before smiling the most loving and beautiful smile I had ever seen. He started kissing me gently on my lips before moving down my torso, not once removing his lips from my body.


I woke up at the sound of Deans heartbeat and breathing. My body on top of his. I opened my eyes and saw the sun shining, making everything bathing in a peaceful but bright light. The air was hot around us, but I don't know if that was because of the summer heat or our recent activities. With only a thin sheet covering the lower parts of our bodies. My wings gone again.

I didn't know how but after I got together with Dean I learned that I could make my wings disappear. Not just so they weren't visible. But completely gone. I didn't even notice that I had wings. But it always felt like a part was missing from me, so as often as possible I would just let them hang loosely. But then again, sometimes it just didn't fit so well with a pair of huge black wings hanging everywhere, shaking of happiness.

If it were up to me I would just stay here, like this, forever. But of course it didn't work like that. I could hear a knock on the door and our front door opening.
"It's just mom, honey." I could hear my mom yelling from downstairs. Dean still sound asleep. My phone started ringing and I picked it up right away not to wake him.
"Are you two still sleeping?"
"Just resting, well Dean is sleeping. Why?"
"There was a package for you yesterday. I thought I would bring it over before we left so that you wouldn't have to look for it later." I could hear her smiling.

"Put it down in the library please?"
"Sure honey. Love you"
"Thank you, love you too mom. Dad too" I said and hung up, laying back down on Deans chest.

Half an hour later Dean woke up, smiling.
"Hey babe." I reached up and kissed him gently on the lips.
"Hey sleepy heart." I laughed. "You know sometimes you are just like a baby. You just eat and sleep all the time, and I cant look away from you for five seconds before you want to do something completely stupid or dangerous, you little baby."
"Maybe, but I don't think a baby can do this." he said as e grabbed my waist and turned me over so he was on top, kissing me.
"No I suppose not." I laughed again. "You know how to kiss, that is for sure..."

"I guess that's why you love me so madly, huh?" he smiled.

"That and your pancakes" I said kissing him. Notable to get enough of him.

Four Wishes For The Angel // Destiel AUWhere stories live. Discover now