Golden feathers and little brother

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Castiel POV

There was another car parked outside Deans house when we got home. I had never seen it before but somehow I knew it belonged to Sam, Deans little brother.

"Nice, he's home. Ready to meet the tallest moose to ever walk the earth?" I laughed at how Dean always used different nickname for his brother. The ones he used most often were Sammy, Moose and bitch.

"What if I'm scared of those gigantic animals?"

"I'll protect you with my very handsome looks."

"So I will be dead before I get through the door?" I sassed back, something that made Dean give me (he tried to give me) a bitch-face. I laughed at how stupid he looked and walked out of the car.

The first thing I saw when I took of my trench coat was a golden feather laying beside a pair of shoes. I picked it up and as soon as my fingers touched it I knew what it was.

"Gabriel." I said quietly.

"What was that Sasstiel?" I quickly put the feather in my pocket and looked at Dean. I could hear voices from the kitchen. My heart picked up speed.

"Gabriel!" I almost shouted and walked past Dean and into the kitchen. And there he was. My brother with the golden wings. He was standing beside a coffee-table behind a guy with long brown hair. He looked up at me and with a few steps he embraced me in a hug.

"They said you were dead." I whispered in his ear so no one could hear it.

"Surprise, little brother. Although in this vessel, you seem older than me." I pulled away and smiled. "You have grown since I last saw you."

"Well, you have not." I laughed and hugged him again.

"Sorry to ruin this touchy moment, but it seems like you two know each other?" Sam had walked over to us and hugged Dean. Wow, he was tall. He wasn't that old, but still he was tall. I thought Dean was tall...

"Ehm... Yes. Gabriel here is my... cousin." I said still smiling. "We haven't seen each other in a very, very long time."

"Huh, what a small world. Who knew my new best friend was my brother's best friend's cousin?" Dean said making us all laugh.

"Yeah. Hey, Dean would you help me carry in the last boxes from the car?" Sam said and they both headed outside.

"So, brother. You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend."

"Gabriel, Dean is not my boyfriend."

"Oh, if you say so." He smiled.

"Gabe, they told me you were dead. What happened to you?"

"You can't kill me, they tried but I tricked them. I was going to contact you but I had to lay low since there is a war upstairs and everything. I kept an eye at you thought, just so you know." He smiled and messed up my hair with a big grin on this face. "So how did you know it was me? I kind of changed some looks after last time we meet"

"About that" I took the golden feather out of my pocket and handed it to him. "I found this. I do not know any other angel with golden wings. You might want to be careful about that."

"Why? Sam knows about my wings... You haven't told Dean, have you?"

"No, and you are most certain not going to neither."

"But you want to? Judging by the way you two stare at each other you are going to be married before you know what hit you. I'm telling you. I can see that you like him"

"Oh shut up Gabriel. That's not true." Was it that obvious that I liked him? Did I like him?

I did, didn't I?

Dean POV

"You like him." I shoot a glare at my little brother telling him to shut up.

"I don't." Not even I believed that.

"I don't believe you. You should tell him."

"No, I should not." I handed him the last box "Take this and shut up."

Even if I did like him, he would never return the feelings, so why even bother trying? He was my best friend and I liked having him in my life. I would not ruin that just because there might be a chance that I have feelings for him.

Later that night I sat in my room with Cas. Sam and Gabriel had left about an hour ago to get Gabriel settled in his new apartment in town. Cas sat on my bed reading a book. I sat in a chair, my feet on the bed, drawing book in my lap and my favourite pencil in my hand. He didn't know, but I decided to draw Cas. He looked so peaceful reading that I had to do something other than just staring at him.

"I think..." Castiel broke the silence and looked at me. "My second wish has to be... Ehm... Maybe peace in heaven. I know that doesn't add up with what I said about my first, but I can't help but wanting that as my second wish." I looked at him for a long time. It was something about those blue eyes that made me speechless.

"What do you mean with heaven?" when he didn't answer me I said: "Don't get me wrong but, is heaven like a metaphor for your head or something like that?"

"Something like that" he said as he returned to his book with a smile on his face.

Since we didn't have school the next day, Cas decided, at 2 am that he was too tired to go home. Neither of us knew how it had gotten that late. Had it been someone else I might have told him to sleep at the couch. But somehow the thought of sleeping in the same bed as my best friend, didn't even bother me.

When I woke up the next morning I was laying very close to Castiel. Close as in - my head resting on his arm and my arm laying around his waist - close.


AN: I know this isn't the best story out there, but I hope at least some of you is enjoying it! Thank you for reading this far (If anyone is still reading)

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