Hugs and pancakes

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* five years later *

Castiel POV

I was so nervous. I was really doing this. Five years ago I never imagined this moment would come. This was going to change everything. What if it didn't turn out how I wanted. What if something would go wrong. What if I messed up? Or worse... I didn't even want to think about it.

The last five years had been the best of my life. I was a teacher at the school in town. Dean worked at Bobby's as a mechanic. Bobby and Jody had moved in to a house in town. I moved in with Dean at the house next to my parents. Gabriel and Sam were still together living in the city not far from here. I really couldn't have asked for anything else. Everything was just perfect.

The moment I had woken up today I had decided that today was the day. Deans hand was wrapped around my waist, my back as close to his chest as possible. I turned around carefully trying not to wake him. Oh dear father, how could I get so lucky to be able to wake up every day to this. I smiled at the look on his face. He looked so peaceful. Carefully, I planted a kiss on his lips.

"I love you." I felt like I couldn't say it enough. He was, no doubt, the love of my life. I kissed him again. Quietly, I sat up ready to begin this beautiful day. The sun was shining in trough our window and the birds had started singing hours ago. The smell of summer was hanging in the air and I couldn't think of a better day.

A strong arm wrapped around my waist as I tried to stand up. He lay me back down in the bed and snuggled closer to me.
"Please don't leave." A tired voice said in my ear. "Just a little longer, babe." A little laugh escaped me as I turned around and wrapped him in my arms.
"Just because you are you."
"That's good because I love you too." His green tired eyes met mine and I remembered back to the day I first saw him.

Unlike today it was freezing outside and I absolutely wanted to do anything but go to the dinner that ended up changing my life completely. Never once, had I regretted knocking on that door. I smiled at the memory. I never thought I would meet a guy that I would love this much. A guy that I trusted my life with. I would walk trough hell to find him. Walk trough hell just to be with him. I would do everything for him.

He was the one. The one that I trusted my life with. The one I loved more than anything. The guy my father had approved. The one I had showed my wings to. The one that I told everything to. The one that helped me. The one I loved. The one.

"That's my name."
"Yeah, I kind of figured out that." I pulled him in close to my chest, his head resting over my heart. The heart he had taken a long time ago. "What do you think about a date?"
"A date?" I started playing with his hair. Oh, his hair. Perfect. I could spend all day just playing with that hair. I mean, Dean has perfect hair. Especially when it looks like he just slept for two days straight. "Earth to Cas."
"Ehm, yeah a date. You know when two people go out."
"I know what a date is. And of course. There is nothing I would want more than to go on a date with you." He smiled and kissed me for a long time.

I broke the kiss and looked in to his eyes. They shined stronger than they had ever shone before.
"We should really get out of bed, you know." I really didn't want to. But believe it or not there was actually a world outside this room. Sometimes I wished there weren't though.
"Or we could just stay right here all day." He said as he had read my thoughts.
"That would be nice, but both of us know we cant do that."
"Yeah. Just a little longer though. I don't want to face the world right now, just you" Oh my father. How did I get so lucky to have this man? With that look on his face, no one could ever say no.

Dean POV

"Come on!"
"Ha-ha-ha. You know Dean, sometimes you are a child." Castiel smiled at me and kissed me gently on the lips for a long time. Oh boy, he certainly knew how to kiss a guy.
"I know but I don't want to get up yet."
"We already slept two hours longer than we usually do on Saturdays."
"You know babe, we don't have to sleep." I said with a smile on my lips.
"No we don't." He kissed me again. "But I'm hungry and you made me lay here for two extra hours, so before you get anything you should go make me your famous pancakes." he gave me the puppy eyes and I could see him trying not to laugh.

You don't say no to those puppy eyes. So I kissed him and sat up ready to go make my boyfriend pancakes. Maybe I should make some pie too? I walked down to our kitchen and started taking out what I needed to make breakfast. Cas came down ten minutes later, newly showered.

"Hey babe? What's your plans for tonight?" I smiled as he kissed me on the cheek before sitting down.
"Well I was thinking since it's a full moon maybe we could have a picnic?"
"Sure. But only if I get pie."
"I'll think about it" he said grinning at the pancakes I put in front of him and sat down opposite of him. As I looked at him something big caught my eyes. They were rarely visible anymore since he had learned how to make them disappear completely. But sometimes, like when he was really happy you could feel the energy of them, or even get a little glimpse of them.

Castiel's big and black wings lay relaxingly against his back and the chair. I smiled at the sight of my boyfriend being so calm that he allowed his wings to be (almost) seen.
"What? Why you smiling like that?" he laughed.
"Nothing. Nothing at all." I replied smiling, happier than I had ever been before.

AN: Please read?(:

Hey guys! So, i was planning on finishing this story after the last chapter, but i kinda didn't want to leave the story there so i decided to write at least two more chapters. I have it all worked out in my head how I'm gonna finish the story now so all i have to do is write it down :3 

I was going to finish it pretty quick, but i came to a place where my life wasn't that easy. I feel, even writing this is hard. I didn't have the energy to even think about writing anything. I tried hiding it for those around me, because i didn't want them to know how much i was struggling. Then i lost someone very close to me and i just felt like my whole life fell apart. 

No one knows how i have been feeling these past moths (this is actually the first time I'm talking about it), but i have had some very awesome friends, (even my best friend on here, u know who you are sweetie < 3), who has made my day a little brighter even without knowing it, and i am grateful for that, so thank you.  And to everyone reading my story, thank you!

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