School is still messed up

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*Two weeks later*

Dean POV

After Cas showed me his wings I couldn't think about anything else. If it was possibly it made me like him even more. When I couldn't sleep at night I would sit in my bed and draw. The same drawing every time. A blue eyed boy with black wings. I showed him some of my drawings, but never the ones of him. I had them in a shoe box under my bed. I usually lost count of time and I would end up sitting here, just like I did now, and draw all night.

At 7 am my alarm went off, but I had been up since 4am. I turned off the alarm and got up to take a shower. After breakfast I walked upstairs again to find Sammy's room empty. On his desk I saw a note.

Dean, if you find this note around 7:30 am I'm still at Gabriel.

No surprise there. They had been together almost everyday since they moved here. It was kind of cute, actually. I liked seeing my brother happy.

The first half of the day at school was always the worst. I had my first class with Cas, Jo and Benny. My second with Charlie, but no Cas. That one class I had without Cas was the worst. It was boring, and all I could think about was two blue eyes and two black wings. I looked up at the clock, for what must have been the thirteenth time that day.
"Hey Dean. Try to look alive" I turned in my seat at looked at Charlie behind me.

"I know you miss your Castiel, but you could try hiding it a little bit better."
"I don't... why would you say that?" Was it that obvious?
"Don't try lying to me. I know you like him, and I don't mean just like a friend."
"Say whatever you want. I can see it by the way you look at him, like all the time."
"Dean! Charlie! Do you want to take over my lesson?" I turned around and looked at my teacher with the best puppy eyes I could set up. It did not work.
"I'm sorry. I just had to ask Dean about a question I didn't understand." Charlie saved me.
"Huh.." he stared at me for several seconds before he turned back to whatever he was talking about. I turned my head a little and smiled a thankful smile at Charlie.

Castiel POV

"Hey, Cassie" Ugh. Please not again. I was sitting at my place, in the back of the classroom. Jo behind me, and hopefully soon, Dean at my left. He was probably still in his second lesson.
"Actually if you haven't noticed, my name is Castiel." I turned around to see Anna standing in front of me.
"Is it?" she laughed. "So I have a question for you." She sat down on the chair and smiled so big, if I hadn't been for her ears it would go all around her head. Thank you father, for actually creating some ugly people.

"And what on earth would that be?" Seriously, I hate her.

"You know that hot guy every girl is crushing on. Dean." Oh how I hated her. If I couldn't have him, she would never, ever lay a hand on him, not on my watch.

"What about Dean?"
"Is he dating anyone? A girlfriend maybe?" Of course.

"No. why do you want to know?"
"I was wondering if I should ask him out."
"Okay, good luck."

"Why don't you give him the idea that he should ask me out? In return I can set you up with some girl if you want?" Was this actually happening?

"Ehm no thank you."
"So you don't like girls huh?" now I really hated her.

"I did not say that. I just don't like having to look at people that are, what's the word Jo?"
"Fudging annoying! And by the way Anna I really don't think Dean would go out with you. You know, people like him don't date sluts." Jo said. I could see Anna's face lose all colour and I almost lost it when she suddenly stood up and almost tripped in her high heels. She walked angry out of the classroom.

"Thank you very much dear sister." I turned to Jo again.

"Castiel, I love you. But next time, tell me that you are gonna sass her ass so I can record it"
"Will do, Jo." And with that Dean walked into the room sitting down next to me.
"Cas, what are you two up to?"

After that I didn't see Anna at all. At lunch Hannah was also gone. I couldn't care less. Dean and I sat next to each other. I tried to follow the conversation but all I wanted to was look at Dean. At some point I was staring at him and he met my eyes. I looked down a little shy, a ghost of a smile on both our lips. I started wondering how his lips felt. How would it feel to have mine pressed against his? Oh, how badly i wanted to kiss those lips.

"Earth to Castiel? Hello?" someone said.
"What?" I asked confused.

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