The story of us

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Dean POV

"I -I promise." At this point I was getting worried for him. His face turned red when he looked at me. His eyes looked like they were shining in the sun light. He looked down, shy, to his hands in his lap. Something black appeared behind him. I looked up and saw two black, wings?


With black feathers.


Never in my life have I seen something that beautiful. I could feel my eyes widen as I took in the sight of his beautiful wings.

With his blue eyes meeting mine again, with a little smile on his lips, he looked like an angel. Wait, was he an angel?

"Cas..." I was speechless. I couldn't get out a word. What was I supposed to say? I was too caught up in the sight of him that I could say a word.

"You don't have to say anything. I'll just go." He was about to move away when I placed my hand on the nearest wing. I could hear him gasp as I quickly looked him in the eye.
"I'm sorry."
"No, Dean, its okay. I just... No one has ever touched my wings before, not even seen them. Only my parents knows about them."
"Cas, they are ... beautiful."

"You think?"
"Castiel, I have never in my life seen something this beautiful." I smiled. "Would it be really stupid of me to ask you why you have these two beautiful wings?"
"Well, as you can see I'm not exactly a human." His smile was back. "I'm an angel, thrown out of heaven by my brothers and sisters."

Castiel POV

"Why?" Dean asked not bothering to cover his curiosity. When I saw his smile I just decided to tell him everything. I told him about the day I was born, and about the days before Dean had moved here, and everything in between.

"The reason I came here today is that, since you moved in here I haven't been able to fly like I did before. I didn't want you to know because I did not know how you would react."

"I'm glad you told me, Castiel."

"I hope this doesn't change anything. I just couldn't hide it anymore."
"Of course not. Hey, can I ask you a question?"
"Sure, fire."
"Ehm, Gabriel. I saw the feather you found that day. It looks a lot like yours, other than the colour. Is... is Gabriel really your cousin?"

"No. He's my brother." I laughed at how nervous he seems to be. "Don't worry about him. And to answer you next question, yes, Sam knows about Gabriel. I was just really surprised to see him, but very happy. The other angels told me he was dead, that they had killed him because he tried to help me."
"You read minds to?" he laughed when I shaked my head. "But why would they do something like that? What's so bad about helping you?"

"When God created me, as the last angel, the other angels got jealous. I was more human than any other angel. I understood humanity better than anyone, so they decided they didn't want me in heaven."

"Than the angels are dicks."

"Try living with them."
"No, I don't think I want to." He laughed.

I was really happy about the fact that Dean didn't run away. Now that I had told him about my wings, I wasn't that nervous around him. Another thing was, after his reaction, I think I fell even more for him. I realized that I, Castiel Novak, was in love with Dean Winchester.

I just couldn't cover it up anymore. Everything about this boy made my knees go weak on me... I don't know when it happened, but I had fallen for him. I had fallen for him.

The green eyes.

His smile.

His hair.

How he used his whole body when he was laughing.

The way he looked at me when I told him a joke.

How much he loved his brother, Sam.

The fact that he didn't just ran off with those popular guys.

He stayed as my friend even when he had seen some sides of me I'm not proud of.

How he hugged me when I was sure I was going to have a panic attack.

Those night I stayed over with him or he stayed with me I would always wake up with his arm around my waist or my head resting at his torso. I would of course pull away before he woke up. Those times he woke up before me I would turn red and hoping that he wouldn't know. Know that I was completely in love with him.


AN: I'm not good at coming up with titles for the chapters so I took (no surprise) a Taylor Swift song hahha ... I need a life.

(Is there anyone reading this story?)

Four Wishes For The Angel // Destiel AUWhere stories live. Discover now