The wishes

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Dean POV

I stayed at Castiel's all day and then when it got dark we decided to go outside. Earlier that day Cas had told me that this part of town was the best place to watch the stars and full moon. I didn't quite believe him. But I guess I was wrong. We walked over to the barn and walked to the backside where the only thing you could see in front of you was the forest, the night sky and too many stars that my eye could ever count. I was speechless.
"I told you" was all Cas said. He sat down and rested his back against the barn.
"I..." was pretty much all I could say looking at the sky.
"I know right. Would you please sit down? You are blocking the view." When I turned to him I saw his head rest against the wood and his blue eyes shining like the stars. I sat down next to him. At first I didn't realize how close we were sitting, but he didn't seem to care. It was comforting to sit close to him and I felt more relaxed than I have been in a long time.

"Not many knows how beautiful the night sky is because everyone is busy sleeping." Castiel breaks the silence after what seemed to be a long time. His voice was so quiet, talking slowly. "If it were up to me I would sleep during the day and sit out here reading a book, looking at the stars at nights."
"What books do you read during your sleepless nights?"
"Everything I can come across, as long as its fiction."
"Fiction, huh?"

"Mostly." I could hear him smile as he talked.

"Well then we should definitely meet up here more often. You could read and I could either draw of take photos of something."
"You like photographing?" Castiel turns his head and looks at me.

"Yeah, and drawing."
"We should meet up here sometime and you could read while I'm drawing?"

"We should do that sometime."

"That would be nice." The boy next to me smiles.

"Then it's a date." WHAT NO... DEAN. "I mean... not like that." I turn my head to the sky as my face gets the colour of a tomato.

With my head resting on the ground I turn around and look at Castiel. I don't know how long we have been out here but I didn't care because, for once, it was nice just lying there doing nothing. But still, knowing I wasn't alone.

"Castiel, if you had four wishes, what would they be?"

"Four wishes? Why four?" he asked. I thought about it for a little while.
"You know how in fairy tales, three is the magic number, for mostly everything." I said.

"Yeah, three not four."

"But I'm giving you four wishes, because this is our fairy tale not some Scandinavian dude who likes trolls and wolfs."

"So you have heard about them?"

"Who has not, but not my point here Castiel." I smile when I see him trying not to laugh. "What are your four wishes. Let me know."

"But why four?" he insists. It takes me a while to answer him. Not sure if I should say it. I should have gone with three.

I take a chance and just says it. Talking to the sky.

"Three because that's the magic number and one because of the smile on your face every time something or someone makes you happy."

Castiel POV

Four wishes? Because of the smile on my face? What does he mean with that? I can feel my face blushing as the next thought hit me. Does he like me? No he can't. We haven't even known each other for a week. Do I care, do I like him?

"Uhm... I don't know. I haven't really thought about it before." I look at him. His eyes shining in the light of the stars. After a few seconds he closes his eyes. "I have to think about it. But I promise I'll tell you when I know." He opens his eyes and look at me. His head resting against his arm under his head.

"Please do that." he smiles and turns his eyes to the sky again after some intense seconds of staring. Is it true, do I like him?

After what seemed to be hours I looked at him and said "I think my first wish is to take away the pain of all the people love. I would have said world peace. But what is peace without war? If there are no wars and suffering, hate and pain, how will we then know what peace, happiness and love feels like? I just think that no matter how peaceful the world can be, there is always someone who wants more. And to get what they want, they tend to use violence. Without hate and war, love and peace wouldn't be anything to work for." He didn't say anything. I turned my head to see him staring at me. "I'm sorry, sometimes I just talk too much."
"No, Cas. That was... that was, I don't know, beautiful. I see what you mean." We just laid there staring at each other. "It's a beautiful wish..." We didn't say much after that. after a while I looked at the green-eyed boy and saw him sleeping next to me. I fell asleep watching his breast move up and down to the rhythm of his breath.


AN: Is there anyone at all reading this? (x

Four Wishes For The Angel // Destiel AUWhere stories live. Discover now