Like sent from heaven

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Castiel POV

*Four days later*

The day after the dinner Dean had asked if I wanted to watch a movie or something. I was happy to. We ended up talking about everything from Deans car, or baby as he called her, to what kind of movies they liked. It was a good day. It felt like I had known him my whole life, not just for two days. Now I was getting ready to show Dean around in town. I was going to come over and then Dean would drive downtown. I offered to drive, but I don't think he trust anyone with his car. It was a beautiful car though.

I was about to walk up the stairs to Deans house when he opened the door ready to leave.
"Are you ready to show me this beautiful town?" he smiled and for a second I couldn't focus on anything else. His smile was so big and... Castiel focus.
"Ehm.. Yeah, but I'm not sure you are ready. Don't worry I've got 911 on speed dial."
"Well aren't you a sassy one." I couldn't help but smile.
"I've got my moments" When he laughed like that, nothing else mattered. I mean... Ehm. He had a beautiful... Never mind. What was I thinking?! I didn't like him. I wasn't even gay, I told myself.

"Its basically one street. That's it. The school is in the end of the street on your left and there is the church. The library somewhere in the middle. But basically everything you need is probably in this street. Except Ellen's diner. If you want real food that does not taste like plastic you have to drive back down to the church and turn right until you reach the forest. Don't worry its not far. We drove past it on our way down here actually." I told him everything he needed to survive in this little town. "You know, we don't even have to drive all the way downtown to get the best burgers and pie on this planet."

"Oh, I'd like some pie." Dean smiled like a little boy.
"She opens in like five minutes so if we hurry we might get the window table. Everyone wants that one."

Dean POV

"Wow. This is pie sent from heaven." I have never tasted pie that good. Cas was right, Ellen was the best.
"You wish. But I agree its good. And here you can have it every single day. Unless you decide to ditch me. Then Ellen would probably poison you or even worse. Never. Ever. Give you pie again." I looked over at Cas. He had the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.

"I would never risk that. No way. I'm staying with you." The sound of Cas' laughter made me smile even more. I didn't understand how anyone could not like this guy. He was funny, caring and beautiful. Not that I liked him in that way. I was straight. I didn't like boys. But still there was something about this boy.

A girl around our age walked past with a plate for a table behind us. When she came back she sat down beside Cas and smiled.
"Hey, Castiel. Who's your friend?" she smiled.
"Jo, this is Dean. Dean, this is Jo." Cas said. I shook her hand and smiled.
"Oh, you planning on ditching me?" She said while she took a bite of his pie. It was not difficult to see that Cas and Jo had been friends for a long time. This kind of made me a little jealous. What if there was something more between them? Dean why would you even care, its not like you like Cas or anything... What was I thinking?

"Nope, not yet." Cas laughed. "How are you and Charlie?"
"Oh shut up, Sasstiel." She blushed a little bit before she whispered "I'll tell you later when my mom isn't trying to stare a hole in my head. See you later freak."
"Assbutt" Cas said after her as she walked over to the kitchen.
"So, was that your girlfriend?" I said curios.

"What? Jo? No she's my best friend. She don't even like boys, she has a crush on my other best friend, Charlie. You'll probably meet her soon." He gave me that beautiful smile again.

We finished our pie and got in the car again. "Man. Pie and Baby. My two favourite thing this planet has ever given me." Cas laughed again. It sounded like an angel singing. What? No. Dean, pull yourself together. That's just something your brain told you because you ate to much pie.

We got to the clearing again and we decided to watch a movie at Castiel's house. His house wasn't much different from mine. Both houses were huge and kind of cosy, but old. Very old. We walked up stairs to his room, which was very big. He even had a couch and TV, a lot of bookshelves and a king-sized bed. I ended up staying all night since we fell asleep at the couch.

"Good morning boys." Marian walked in pulling the curtains open, letting a lot of light in. "I need to go in to town to get some food and I've got some work to do. I will be back around four I think. Paul headed out an hour ago."

"Okay. I think I'll stay here and sleep all day" said a very sleepy Cas.

"Do as you want." She smiled a motherly smile. "Oh, and Dean. I called Jody last night after you fell asleep so don't worry. She told me to tell you, you could stay as long as you wanted"

"Oh, okay. Thanks, Marian" Honestly, I had forgot about the fact that I was supposed to tell Bobby and Jody where I was. I turned around and looked at Cas. "So what do you want to do today?" he was already asleep again. I couldn't help but smile as I laid down on the couch again.

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