The staring contest

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Castiel POV

None of us said a word during the meal, if we weren't asked a question. I stared at Dean, a lot. I didn't know why. Once his eyes met mine I slowly looked down at my plate, blushing. I caught him staring at me several times too. At the end both of us gave up and we ended up sitting there and staring at each other over the table. When we finished eating our parents stayed in the kitchen. Dean and I in the living room watching some movie.

"I thought you had a brother. Dad said Bobby had two sons." I said not really paying attention to the movie.

"Bobby isn't my father. But yes I have a brother. Sammy. He wanted to finish school in the city so he stayed there with some relatives, he has these classes over the summer, he's a real school nerd. I think he's coming here in three weeks or something."
"Oh. What happened to your father?"

"Ehm... My parents died when I was little. But Bobby has always been more like a father to me than John ever was. He and Jody decided to adopt us when my parents died."

"I didn't know. I'm sorry." I said looking at my hands.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Cas." He smiled. I couldn't help but smile widely when he said my name. My wings shaked with happiness and I had to move. I didn't mean to, but suddenly I sat very close to Dean. While we watched the movie I couldn't help but stare at Dean. Every time he would look at me I turned to the TV again. Every now and then I could feel him starring at me.

"Why don't you tell me something about yourself?" Dean said after some minutes with silence. "Anything" I waited a little bit before I answered him.

"I was adopted. I grew up here. Goes to school in town. I actually kind of like this town. I like reading books, I'm not really into sports or anything."

"You should show me around some day, before school starts again."
"Sure. Wouldn't want you to get lost. It's a really big town." Dean laughed and pushed my shoulder. He dropped his hand, laying it close to mine on the couch. I could feel my wings start moving. A black object caught my sight over my left shoulder. It was a black feather. I could feel my wings starting to moving more wildly. I cleared my throat and asked where the bathroom where. My body shaking.
"I'll show you. You okay?" I just nodded and hurried to the bathroom.

Luckily the bathroom was huge so I could stretch my wings. As I stretched my wings a few feathers fell to the ground. For some reason they were now visible. This had never happened before. Not like this. I was always able to control it. But something had changed. I had this feeling in my chest that I haven't felt before. A warm feeling spreading in my body like when drinking a cup of hot tea. What was happening to me? What if Dean had seen my wings?

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