Chapter 52

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Writing a chapter is both physically and emotionally draining, but before I go recover, I'd just like to shoutout to Queen_of_craziness for making ^ this cover for CTBB. What do you guys think? Should I change the cover or keep it as it is? Lemme know in the comments! 

Anyway, not sure when I'll update next, since I broke my last promise - oopsies! But stay tuned nonetheless and enjoy 😜


Damian's POV

"I don't want to go to the hospital."

"Mum, come on, you have to," I pleaded with her, but she shook her head.

"I don't need the headache from doctors and nurses. I'm fine here at home," Mum asserted stubbornly.

I shot a pleading look to Aunt Kate and Dad, who looked equally as exhausted and stressed in the light of the morning. Dad let out a sigh. "Honey, you are experiencing pain, you need to get checked up again, just in case," he reasoned.

"If I get checked, they'll just keep me in the hospital for weeks, and I don't want to be in that horrid place. I've had enough," I had never heard Mum sound so fed up, but I guess that was what happened when you put on a mask of happiness over your suffering. Eventually that mask cracked, and you couldn't continue to pretend you were okay with everything anymore.

Aunt Kate took Mum's hand and said gently, "I promise I won't let them keep you there, we just want to see if there's any medications you can take that would help ease the pain better than the pills you have now."

Mum blinked at her sister, and her face softened. "Katie, it doesn't matter how much medicine I take, it's not going to make me any better."

"But it'll help," Aunt Kate emphasized. "We just want to help you."

"I know," Mum looked down at her lap, picking at a thread on her blanket. "I just don't want to go back there again."

Last night we had given Mum her pain medication, since she had forgotten to take it that evening before we left to the engagement. She had been so excited for me that she failed to remember her own health, which was why she had a sudden breakdown at the end. Now she refused to get any more treatment, even if it would benefit her. Maybe Mum had given me my stubbornness, because she was definitely acting like a stubborn child.

"How about this? We'll go for a quick check-up, and then request for home treatment. They cannot refuse the demands of a patient. And if they do, they'll have me to deal with," Dad suggested, and Mum gazed at him with a faint smile.

"Okay," she relented, and Dad kissed her cheek, and for once I didn't cringe. I was paying attention to my parents' relationship more these days, I guess because I could learn from them. They truly had something special, and that's what I wanted with Mariam. Something special.

Mum got the check up, and as we waited outside for the tests, I sent a quick text to Mariam, just to let her know, Mum's getting checked up at the hospital.

Is she okay?

I smiled, marvelling at how much Mariam cared. It was almost as if my mum was her mum with the concern she showed. And the flash of my silver engagement ring reminded me that it was close to the truth.

I'll let you know In Sha Allah. Don't worry too much :)

"Texting your fiancée now, are we?" I glanced up to see Dad leaning over and peeking at my phone, and I hurriedly pocketed my phone, saying, "Maybe."

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