Chapter 46

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I AM SO EXCITED because I have made a TRAILER for this story, which is right up there 🔝so you can watch it. I also added it to the Synopsis and Preview of this story too, and I love it! Hopefully you guys will love it too ❤

Dedicated to skyblue0077 for teaching me how to type in Arabic!  

جزاك الله خيراً 😚


Mariam's POV

"Congratulations. You've passed the test. You have now earned your provisional license."

As soon as the driving instructor said those words, my face broke into an ecstatic grin. "Really?"

The instructor nodded with a smile as she scribbled something on her clipboard. "Yes, really. You did well. I trust you will be a responsible driver on our roads."

It was only when she said those words that the reality of it really sunk in. I was going to be a driver! Like, a responsible, adult driver. Whoa. "Thank you so much! I won't let you down!" I shook her hand a little too excitedly, but I couldn't contain this new feeling of power inside of me. Alhamdulillah. I also couldn't forget to thank the One who granted my success.

"You did it?" Yasmine was the first to receive me with Nasr, Zeinab, Immi and Baba behind her in the waiting room. They all insisted on coming to support me for my test, and I was glad they did.

"That's right, I passed!" I exclaimed, squeezing her with all my excitement. "And now I get to drive you home."

"Whoa, I can't believe you have your license now, that's crazy!" Zeinab cried.

"You know you could start getting yours soon too," I reminded her.

"No way. I don't want to yet, I'm too scared," Zeinab bit her lip. "What if I crash?"

"You won't, habibti, and neither will you, Mariam," Immi slung an arm around my shoulders, kissing my cheek. "I prayed you would pass, and it worked!"

I laughed. "Alhamdulillah." I turned to Nasr, who had his arms folded, his car keys dangling from his fingers. "Hand them over, bro."

Nasr hesitated. "Do I have to?" he whined.

"Yes, you have to, Nasr, let your sister drive," Baba commanded, and Nasr sighed, chucking them over to me, and I caught it with flair, jangling it like a little kid.

"Don't worry, Nasr, I won't let Ronda come to any harm," I assured him with an angelic smile as we approached the carpark.

"You better not," Nasr grumbled.

While Immi and Baba got into their own car along with Zeinab, since I wasn't allowed to carry more than one passenger under 21, I took the wheel of Nasr's, with him in shotgun and Yasmine in the back.

"Now that you can drive, we should go on a road trip!" Yasmine suggested.

"Is that even safe?" Nasr asked.

"Of course it's safe, because I'm driving!" I responded chirpily.

"That's exactly why I was asking," Nasr retorted.

"You know, Nasr, you need to learn to trust your little sister more," I said, both hands firmly on the wheel. Being in control of the car wasn't completely new to me, but the only new thing was the fact that I could do it on my own, whenever I wanted. Freedom.

"I will when you start listening to me," Nasr replied.

"I listen to you," I claimed. Nasr cocked an eyebrow at me. "Most of the time," I added.

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