Chapter 37

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^Thenise! Song "It Was Always You" is about friends turning into...more, just like Thenise!

I was meant to update yesterday but I got

Anyways, here's ze Chapter...


"Urgh, I think I ate too much cake," Zeinab moaned with a hand on her stomach.

"Alhamdulillah," I told her to say.

"I wish I could empty my stomach without throwing up, you know? Like just reach in and take some stuff out," Zeinab mused.

I blinked at her. "That's so gross, Zay."

Zeinab laughed, and I laughed with her, because even though she said the strangest and silliest things, she was my sister and I loved her.

We were sitting on my bed, talking like old times. Which wasn't that long ago, but it felt like weeks. I was eighteen now, and Zeinab was still fifteen, turning sixteen in October. It felt weird to be eighteen, but at the same time it felt right. For many people in this country, eighteen meant independence, and alcohol, and being legal. For me, it was just another year in my life where I thank Allah for everything and everyone I have.

Nasr passed my bedroom, then retraced his steps, poking his head in. "What are you girls up to?" he asked, strolling in.

"Girl stuff," we replied simultaneously.

Nasr launched himself onto my bed, causing us all to jump a few centimetres in the air, and crossed his legs. I stifled a laugh at how out of place he looked on my bright pink bedsheets that I had had since I was eleven.

"Hey, what happened to your secret meetings? What were they even about, anyway?" Nasr asked.

Nasr didn't know about Mission CTBB, nor did he know exactly how Damian had come about to Islam, except that I had had something to do with it, somehow.

"They were about Damian," Zeinab answered bluntly.

Nasr raised his eyebrows. "Really? So are you saying that you four girls were giggling and chatting and acting all secretive because of a boy?" Nasr let out a laugh at our sheepish expressions. When he put it that way...

"We were coming up with ways to win the bet," Zeinab explained, and I froze. I had never told Nasr about the bet, and Nasr furrowed his brow.

"Bet? What bet?" Nasr fixed his eyes on me. "Is that what that was all about? You made a bet with the bad boy?"

I snorted at the nickname 'bad boy.' It seemed so long ago since Damian was referred to as that. Now his new reputation was as a Muslim revert. Word spread around quickly about his conversion and honestly, Damian didn't care who knew. When people made terrorist remarks and stuff about Damian being the next Aussie teenager to join ISIS, Damian challenged them directly and even got into a few scuffles, but other than that, no one really cared. Most of the girls gave me dirty looks though, but I didn't care either. Word had got around about me having something to do with Damian becoming a Muslim, and I had heard quite a few outrageous rumours about us, but it was all for the sake of Allah in the end. And that was what gave me comfort.

So I recounted to Nasr the whole bet story, and every time I told it, I couldn't believe how much had happened during these past four months.

Nasr couldn't believe it either.

"You never cease to amaze me, little sis. You're growing up so fast," he pretended to choke back a sob.

"Oh, stop it, you big softie," I shoved my brother lightly on the shoulder, which was probably a big mistake because he shoved me back, and I bumped into poor Zeinab, who was almost falling off the bed.

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