chapter 24

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chapter 24


*Casper's POV*

*ring ring ring*

i listened to the sound of the phone waiting for hannah to pick up.

"Hi!" i heard her cheery voice come onto the line.

"babe, hannah, what happ-"

"i cant come to the phone right now, but ill call you back soonnn. byeee."

my face dropped. where is she? why wouldn't she answer her phone? she always has it on her..

ill just give her time.


my paranoia started getting the best of me about 2 hours later.

i just spent the last hour or do racking my brain and questioning my sister about everything she knew. i even helped clean too get my mind off of her.

I HELPED CLEAN. im going crazy.

&now im sitting her at the table, staring at my phone deciding me next move.

i dont wanna be the crazy boyfriend who is possessive. but what if she is hurt? or did something stupid?

my mind slowly began playing memories of her beautiful face laughing & smiling like no other. her smile brightened the world. everything was brighter when she smiled. her eyes lit up& she was truly beautiful. no she wasn't perfect. yet perfectly imperfect.

slowly I found myself dialing her number again. whoops. my hands raised to my mouth grazing my lips as I listening to the phone ring.



*three times*

*four times*

*five times*

"Hi-" I cut off her cheery voice my throwing my phone down into the table in front of me.

"dammit" I muttered to myself. & yet again my mind began to roam with endless possibilities of what could be happening to her right now.

*Hannah's POV*

"take me home." I demanded.

Blake have me a funny look before moving his mouth to speak.

we were now sitting at his dining room table after a breakfast of eggs and toast. he insisted I stay& I mean my phone is dead and he is my ride home, so. I had too.

"fine pushy." he smirked getting up to take our plates.

"sorry I just don't like being here anymore than you do."

"it's cool. lemme grab my keys and we will leave now."

"wait my clothes.." my voice faded as I tug at his clothing draped on my small body.

"in the bathroom." he said leaving the room, " first door to the left down this hallway." he said walking away pointing at a doorway to the right.


so maybe this isn't gonna be so bad. I mean breakfast..was really awkward ... REALLY awkward .

he had to explain everything I did last night. yeah let's say I don't wanna even think about it until I have to.

I wondered down the hall and into the bathroom. sure enough my clothes were folded up on the toilet along with my shoes.

god. Casper is going to kill me.

suddenly my eyes grew wide. it was like someone just splashed a bucket of cold water in my face. Casper. he will kill me.

I messily dressed myself fumbling to do much if anything . I looked in the mirror gazing at my appearance. I was a mess.

Damn party.

I turned on the sink and splashed water onto my face gently rubbing away my makeup.

"Hannah, you ready?" I heard a voice call.

"yeah one sec." I answered barely audible.

I fumbled with a towel to wipe my face from the cool water before grabbing the handle and stepping out.

"let's go." Blake said jiggling his keys in his hands.

"Kay." I answered following his lead to the car.


hey guys! guess who updated? (: sorry is been so long . I broke my iPod & couldn't write & then I was helping pack & move . & school & busy! so sorry.!!

so uh. yeah kinda boring chapter don't worry.

I've been kinda thinking of stopping writing this book. i feel like it's boring and such. I kinda wanna focus on my other book. "a million different dates"

I like it better. but if I get enough people saying to keep this book going I will?

yeah. sorry guys.:\ hummm. so check out my other book only the first chapter is up tho. I'll update that one more than I did this one...

love y'all


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