chapter 5

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chapter 5


*hannah's POV*

i woke up to Casper's soft breathing. i was wrapped in his muscular tight grip. so there was no way i could get up without him waking.

i tried to shake him..nothing

i tried to say his name..nothing

i tried to even playfully smack his cheek..nothing!

i laid there for a moment..realizing i had nothing to lose i placed my legs either side of him, straddling him. i bent down and passionately placed my lips on his kissing him like there was no tomorrow.

his deep brown eyes sprang open "woah"

"well that is the only way i could wale you up..your a really deep sleeper" i gave him a wink and gracefully got off him and headed to the kitchen.

that left him wanting more.

he practically dashed to the kitchen following me.

"what ..uh. whatcha making?"

"pancakes," i said looking in his cupboards, "where is your.."

"right here." he said pulling the pancake mix from a different cupboard smirking the entire time.


later as we were cleaning up he asked me what i wanted to do today.

"well..i need to go home& get ready for whatever we do,"

"i haven't been to your house yet..why don't we go there first and then we can figure it out." he smiled.

"sounds good..your lucky john is working on Saturdays." i said as i ran out of his house.


*Casper's POV*

hannah opened her door leading me to the last room on her tour of her house.

as i looked around i saw one teal wall with broken records and records all over with the quote "Music is life" painting in big 80's letters.

on the next wall there were posters covered the wall there wasn't a visible part of the wall..there were old drawings, Marilyn Monroe posters, and a million band posters. on that wall there was a bed pushed up against it. on the bed were a million pillows and old stuffed animals.

on the next wall her bed was pushed up against it and there was a window facing my house. her bed was in the corner and the stuffed animal bed forming an L. on that bed was her actual stripped comforter. above that was a map of the world with a bunch of pushpins on certain places.

on the next wall there was an easel and a small table pushed against the wall next to a window facing the fields.

from the ceiling hung christmas lights and mason jars with lights hidden inside.

"woah, this place is the shit." i said in awe. hannah laughed.

"but its missing something. i know what we are doing today ..we are gonna go shopping for like the once thing your missing." her blue eyes got huge and a smile spread across her face.

"meet me back in my room in an hour. go get showered and crap. i know where we are going." she smiled.

"fine, see you in a bit. don't get to hot." i winked as i walked out the door but mot before seeing her blush.

aagh. i really need figure out if i like hannah or not.


[ love you all, remember to tweet or instagram me ideas - @hannahpease07

-xx ]

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