chapter 23

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chapter 23


*Hannah's POV*


"hannah." i felt something cold touch my nose.

what the heell. i scrunched my nose


whatever the fuck this is obviously isn't getting the message that i want to sleep.

i gave a small groan, scrunched my face again.

then everything began to shake.

my eyes whipped open and i jumped up. "DEAR LORD IM UP." instantly bright lights blinded me forcing me to cover my eyes with my hands.

"sorry babe, just thought i'd wake you."

who's voice was that? i rubbed my eyes hard and opened them slightly looking at first myself. my clothes? where are they? why am i wearing a huge black tshirt? & only a huge black tshirt ? instantly my eyes searched the rest of the bed.

all the sheets were ruffled& unfirmliar.


"you don't member much do you?" the voice said..i've heard that voice before but couldn't put a voice with a face..

"n-no.." i stuttered, afraid to look up.

"it's cool hannah. we didn't have sex."

immediately i let out a huge breath. i gathered the courage to move my head up.

i instantly regretted it.


*Casper's POV*

"oooooommhp. Sutton get me something for this bastard headache!" i yelled even tho she was sitting a few seats away from me at the table.

"jeesh grumpy pants." she said with a smile. she hasnt stopped smiling since i got down here. why? i mean, i'' not cleaning up with mess so, i dont know why she is smiling.

she handed me a bottle of water from the fridge & a white medicine bottle before beginning to pick up s few cups on the floor.

"have you talked to hannah?" she suddenly outburts.

"no, not this morning..." my voice drifted off. "Did i do anything stupid last night?"

here face froze for a moment before quickly recovering. "uh, i dont remember. i was with sam."

instantly my blood boiled. "you didn't do anything with him did you!?" i sharply questioned.

the look on her face lets me know that the answer is no even before she opens her mouth. "GOD NO! im not that dumb."

"good, good." i lift the water to my mouth letting the cool liquid slide down my dry throat.

my thoughts drifted back to last night as i rubbed my forehead slowly trying to make the pounding stop.

what happened after i got drunk? i woke up in my bed..alone. what happened to hannah? the last i could remember was drinking with my friends. what if something bad happened to her? what if she got drunk too& did something dumb? why didn't she stay here with me? why would she go home?

all these questions races thro my head getting the best of me. i quickly pulled my phone out from my pocket and dialed her number.

"can you give me some privacy here?" i rudely asked my twin.

she looked up with a smile on her face. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ABOUT? i'll find out why she is so smiley later.

"no problem." she said, grabbing a trash bag heading off to somewhere else.

"cool." i muttered under my breath hitting the call button.


i know you guys hate my guts. but i am in the process if moving & couldn't update! so sorry guys. will update tomorrow tho cuz im doing nothing.

sorry for the short chappy too.

im too tired to finish& really wanna get a chapter up!

okay, ill update tomorrow

check out this book by MomoJojo248. its a 1D book! she just started so its only a few chappies in.

love y'all.

you know how to reach me (@hannahpease07)


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