chapter 1

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[so starting out i will update at least 2-3 times a week i don't know which days tho..but i feel so cooll writing a story yay. okay here we go ... Enjoy]

Chapter 1


i picked up a box with one hand and set it on the stack i had in my arms and walked into my new house. i was so not happy to move. i loved my old town and my friends. i knew i was gonna be an outcast here..i just knew it.

i walked back outside and grabbed a small purple vase and my favorite volleyball. as i tried to handle adding one more box to the mix the volleyball slipped from my hands and bounced over to the neighbors basketball hoop where a boy about my age was shooting around.

i carefully set down the vase and waltzed over to my ball which the boy was now holding. i must admit he was pretty cute. he had deep rich chocolate looking eyes and light brown curly hair. sort of like Liam Payne before he got his hair cut..but cuter. his face was very structured and his skin was a nice tan.

"dropped your ball," he said with a smirk, "volleyball player huh? cute"

i smiled back. i mean he was worth my far as i knew. he was cute so why not flirt back?

"volleyball isn't cute. maybe if you came to a game of mine you would know." i said back flashing a flirtatious smile.

"challenge accepted see you there darling. my name is Casper by the way...and yours is..beautiful?" i blushed. he was such a flirt..probably a douchebag too.

"hannah." i said turning to walk causally away after giving him a quick wink. maybe i would like it here after all


i placed a poster of marilyn monroe on my wall. Marilyn was my idol. she was beautiful& inspiring . i wanted to be like her. except the whole dying thing...

"HANNAH." my mom called from downstairs. ugh, what could possibly want now. "HANNAH. THE NEIGHBORS INVITED US OVER TO THERE HOUSE FOR DINNER. WE ARE LEAVING IN 15 MINUTES." perfect, just what i needed, i thought sarcastically. i put on a lose colored tank top and black flowy lace skirt and my combat boots. my mom told me to look nice. and if i must say i looked pretty dapper. i quickly walked down the steps to meet my family in the kitchen getting ready to walk out the door. i grabbed my iphone and walked out the door. now i get to go meet Casper's family. 'yay'😒


a few minutes later i was in Casper's house. his family seemed..quite ..interesting. his dad was tall and lean, more of the silent type and his mom was quite perky& talkative..just great.

i was already slightly annoyed having to leave my plans with friends tonight now i get to listen to Mrs. Lee talk my ear off as Mrs. Lee told her family to get down into the living room. first came Casper..wearing khakis a white v-neck and a grey beanie. followed by him was a girl that looked just like Casper... It took me a moment to realize they were twins. then a small girl with brown curly hair ran into the room giggling being chased by a girl looking like she was in her preteens.

Man, the Lee parents sure knew how to get to business if you know where I'm going with this.

"I'm Mrs. Lee and this is my husband Mr. Lee and these are our kids Casper (he gave me a mod), his twin Sutton (she gave me a slight wave) there both 17, and this is Carter (she smiled at me) shes 12, and this is Twlia" pointing to the adorable little girl, "shes three." Mrs. Lee announced a little to eager. i rolled my eyes. this mom is ticking me off more by the minute.

"This is Lucy." my mom said pointing at my sister. she was about to introduce me when i cut her off,

"I'm hannah." i said with a little bit of sass making Casper and Sutton smile. my mom shot me a look before introducing herself and John.

John is my "adoption dad" cuz my real dad left me when i was a kid. But John is my sisters real father, making us only half sisters. thats why we never get along.

but thats for a different story.


after 'enjoying' a horrid meal of chicken (i hate chicken) our parents and Twila chattered in the living room while the 'kids' showed us around.

Carter and Lucy got hung up in Carters room while Casper and Sutton showed me theres.

it was fancy. technically it was one huge bedroom. but someone had divided it in two by a thick soundproof wall. there was a door connecting the two though. as you could tell there family was loaded.

we were all in Sutton's half of the room sitting awkwardly in her bean bags when Sutton spoke up.

"so, hannah? its hannah right?" i nodded, "i heard you play volleyball from Casper..thats cool, i wish i could do that. i dont have the courage all the girls from my volleyball team are popular. and im assuming you are to? i mean you look like one. what is that hipster style? omg, are you a hipster thats so cool..."

"oh shut up already Sutton." Casper snapped. he looked at me. i couldn't help but stare back i mean his eyes were such a deep chocolate brown.

"sorry she babbles when shes nervous". he smiled at me.

"Why are you nervous?" i furrowed my brows looked at Sutton. i mean its not like I'm older than them? or i don't look that good, do i? do they feel the need to impress me?

"well, you just seem all ..popular..and cool.." she trailed off looking at Casper then her shoes. i snorted.

"me? Hannah? POPULAR!? this is a joke. First i hate the bitchy popular brats at my school. second, i hang out with everyone at my school. you respect me, i respect you. no matter if your gay, lesbian, black, white, girl, boy. i don't give a crap." i leaned back in the beanbag getting an impressed look from both of them.

"But your dressed so..popular looking?" Sutton said as Casper nodded in agreement.

i sat there for a moment looking down at myself. did i dress that cute? maybe thats why all the blondes hate me.

"maybe i just like to look good." i smiled at them. Sutton winced.

i looked Sutton in the eye. was she scared of the populars? she seemed a bit nerdy. Casper on the other hand seemed popular. i concentrated for a moment before saying, "Sutton are you scared of the Populars?" She looked a bit embarrassed.

" would think having a brother in the 'In-crowd' would help..but all the populars scare me." Casper rolls his eyes.

i looked at Casper then at Sutton. and a lightbulb lit above my head.

"Im going to help you with that problem of yours, Sutton, and your gonna help me." i pointed at Casper.


[ Hope you are enjoying the story. comment or tweet me ideas for the story? id love some input from others. so, have a fantastic day!

follow me on Twitter


ill update later tonight or tomorrow. but sometime soon


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