chapter 20

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chapter 20


holding my breath , i reached for the door handle. smoothly & quietly i rotated the knob and cracked the door open revealing a drunk john screaming at nothing. quickly i slid the door shut and looked in the driveway.

just john & my car. how didn't i notice that earlier.

&why does my mom &sister leave me here all the time with him!?

quickly i began to walk around the side of the house my bedroom window was visible on.

i studied the side realizing there was absolutely no way up. the window wasn't to high although. maybe if i got a ladder i could reach the sill.

now where is the ladder..

throwing my bag on the ground i began to sneakily plan out how this would work. quickly my feet carried me to our unattached garage. i rummaged through the crap until i came across the ladder in the corner.

grabbing it i cautiously jogged out the door half dragging the ladder and around the back of the house avoiding any open windows. thankfully there weren't many & those were at the front of the house.

setting the latter up against the house silently i tossed my bag over my shoulder and began the climb up.

the ladder was shaky and i had to bite my tongue yo keep from whimpering when it wobbled. slowly i reached my sill. my fingers could just brush the sill. i was at the second to highest step & scared to death.

one more step& i would be able to hoist myself up..

one more step& i could possibly fall from the dreaded shaky ladder.

one more step& i could fall &die..

ugh. damn john for making me do this.

i took in a deep breath i moved one foot to the top step.

reaching as far a i could, i got my one hand on the sill. thank jesus.

quickly i used that to steady myself as i stepped with the other foot. making it a lot easier to hoist myself through the window. im sure i looked like a freak to outsiders..but hey its almost 7 & i still have homework to do!

tumbling through my window i landed on the floor with a thud.

shit. i didnt think i would be that noisy . quickly i jumped up & hut my window & curtains. throwing my bag on the other side of the room, i scampered to the door to see if i could hear footsteps.

*thud thud thud* slowly it cane closer.

just my luck.

i silently ran to my bed hurling myself under it with the bed skirt hiding my small body.

i cant take a beating tonight. i just cant.

the hairs in the back of my neck stood up as i heard the door creak open and feet stomp into the room.


he was stopped mid sentence.

no he found me. he knows in here. i began trembling in fear& held my breath, yet still careful to not make a sound.

i heard him mumble something under his breath before a crash then footsteps followed by a door slam.

i let out my breath& realized the ridiculousness of my situation. i am a 17 year old girl who just risked her life crawling into a window & hid under my bed because i was scared of john.

"im pathetic." i whispered crawling out from under my bed.


for the rest of the week it was fairly at ease. hunter didn't bother showing his face at school & i managed to avoid most of John's blows by using the ladder to enter &exit my room.

of course i let the girls know the hunter kidnapped me..but they only knew half the story. all i know is now its Friday night hours away from Sutton's party& im ready to party & forget my worries.


i began on getting everything ready for when sutton shows up. i had already set up everything at Sutton's house with her moments ago. now she would come over & get ready with me for the next hour&a half then the party would start. thank god my mom&john&my sisters &sutton's all decided to go stay at Casper's lakehouse with his family.

i did not want a beating tonight.

my girls (kate, katie, jacque, & gemssy agreed they would come over a half hour before the party help us go over everything.

the girls still don't know bout the connor's friends coming over. im sure they will be in shock & thank me a million times. oh & im am so gonna introduce issabella& connor to keep him busy.

this night would be perfection.


"HANNNAH. WE ARE HERE." i heard katie's voice scream.

"upstairs!" i yelled back touching up suttons hair with a quick spray of hairspray. before placing a white knit beanie on her head.

she looks great in her emerald great dress. the dress was fitted reaching about mid-thigh and had small white birds scattered about on the silky material. on her small feet was a pair of white vans that matched her white beanie. her hair was curled in loose waves falling down her shoulders and her eyes consisted only a dark black eyeliner and mascara. her cheeks were naturally rosy. & she overall looked wonderfull.

"yay." she smiled. "thank you so much hannah. i love it!"

just then the girls burst in my room.

there was chatter of how wonderful sutton & i both looked.

i had thrown on a sleeveless purple floral dress that also reached mid thigh. i paired this with black combat boots loosely laced &fishnet tights. a long silver necklace with a big silver rose at the end hung around my neck. my hair was in tighter&smaller curls that sutton but still framed my face perfectly & black mascara & eyeliner were on my eyes forcing them to stand out bright blue among the dark colors.

after listening to the girls gush over us. we returned the favor complementing Katies long white high-low skirt & jean long sleeve top with navy blue converse& her long wavy blonde hair. We also commented on Jacques big dark brown poofey, curly hair & her floral skirt paired with a gray&white stripped strapless top; kate Sported a pink & short green floral dress with a green cardigan over it & a brown belt to make her curves visible. brown gladiator sandals her on her feet & her hair was in perfect spiral curls. gemssy who went more causal wore a black & white stripped shirt with a red scarf & tight dark skinny jeans. red toms were on her feet & her dark hair was straight with a white beanie similar to suttons. she look very well put together.

after the gush fest we sat on my bed & i explained the plan.

"okay, so basically we all go off in diff directions & talk up sutton. that's basically it. &no getting any more than tipsy. as for you." i pointe at sutton. "try & stick with one of us, Sam, or Casper. spound good?"

they all nodded.

"then let's go party." i exclaimed with a smirk on my face.



haha, hope y'all lovelies enjoy it.(;

more drama to come. sorry for the sorta filler chapter but not every chapter can be super exciting & drama filled. i need some ideas on where to take the story after the party

so if you could contact me

twitter,, IG- @hannahpease07

and tell me what you think itd be greeat.

love y'all.

keep voting!


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