chapter 12

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[i just wanna apologize for all the spelling errors and typo's ..i never edit these things. who does!?]

chapter 12


*hannah's POV*

"god. what am i gonna tell Casper!? I'm for sure he saw me crying..what does he even care!? he has 'Bell' 😒

Screw me! I'm so dumb." i bagged on myself. "Im talking to myself too. god I'm a freak."

i stripped from my clothes& changed into an old volleyball t-shirt & black Sophie's then i pulled my hair into a top knot bun trying to look somewhat presentable. i quickly ran to the bathroom & washed my makeup off. eh. its only Casper. i quickly put mascara on my top lashes. (i learned a trick if you cry & only have mascara on your top lashes it doesn't run!..unless you rub your eyes)

i grabbed my phone sticking it in my waist band and scampered downstairs only to meet John& my mother.


"hey bitch." john spat. i was taken aback that he would say that in front of my mom..but she didn't look phased at all...i don't like where this is going..

"m-mom?" i stuttered inching backwards for the door.

she didn't look at me. just the floor.

then john stumbled towards me. drunk already ? on a sunday? really. really.

"yooourr a screw up." john forced out as he grabbed my shoulders steading himself.

i quickly pulled away making a break for the door. he was to drunk to run after me so instead as i opened the door he yelled, "YOU CAN RUN BUTYOU CANT HI-" i slammed the door before he could finish.

mom? she just watched that..tears threatened to fall from my eyes but i fought back and walked to Casper's

taking a deep, i managed to calm myself before ringing the doorbell.

the door opened fir my eyes to meet a small child.

it was twila.

"hi shannah!" her tiny voice mispronounced my name. her brown soft curls were pulled up into uneven pigtails and her bug brown eyes stared at me.

"hello." i bent down to pick her up& tickle her.

she giggled furiously as i continued to tickle her tummy.

"hey hannah.." Casper questioned.

i quickly set down Twlia and still giggling she grabbed onto my leg.

"sorry Twlia let me in." i smiled lifting my leg and giving it a small shake making Twlia giggle more.

"go play barbies, twlia." Casper said slightly amused&annoyed by twila's attachment to me.

"sshannahhh! come play barbies with me!" she cheered jumping up and down.

i bent down yet again& gave her a smile. "not right now, i have to talk to Casper okay? but i pinky promise i will later." i said holding out my pinky.

"okay." i said taking my pinky . then skipping outta the room.


she & Twlia are so cute..why is she so good with kids? its pretty attractive..WAIT. Casper stop it. don't get distracted.

"Let's go to my room." i said with a flat voice.

she nodded and i turned to make the voyage up the stairs & down the hall to my room.

"you know, your pretty good with kids.." i said trying to make conversation.

she kept her eyes on the floor and responded with, "yeah, i like kids."

we reached my room and i closed the door behind her.

i watched her take a seat on my bed and fiddle with her fingers before looking at me with her big blue eyes..but now they were different..less happy..they were glossy like she is about to cry. Her face was filled with concern. then she spoke.

"Casper, i'm sorry.." her voice trailed off. she was shaking like she was genuinely scared..but what of?

"Hannah.." i said moving over to the bed next to her. "It's okay."


[super sorry about not updating & this short filler chapter.

i will update soon tonight or tomorrow. it will be interesting to i promise.

again. sorry ive been busy.

remember vote, comment, read.

twitter, instagram, - @hannahpease07

bye lovelies.

-xx ]

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