"Wow," the scenery was absolutely beautiful. Lauren slid the sliding glass door open and we walked out to the balcony. "The beach looks beautiful from here," I held the hand rail. Lauren came up behind me, her hands held the rail too, from either side of me.

"I know right," her chin rested on my shoulder. It was such a lovely view. "Come on, let's get some rest," she pulled my hand. She directed me to the bed and we climbed in. Once we were in, she pulled me close to her. "When we wake up we can go out to eat," she smiled while fixing her head on the fluffy pillow.

"Sounds good," it was hard to keep my eyes open. The bed was so comfortable, all I could think of, was of drifting off to sleep. As much as I wanted to keep looking at Lauren's gorgeous face, my eyes were closing. I couldn't fight it. I instead, gave in and let them close.

"Sleep well, Camzi," her voice sounded faded, not only because I was drifting off to sleep but also because she was falling asleep too. 

Soon, I was fast asleep.


"Wake up baby... Camz... Come on babe," ah, that soothing voice was awaking me. I opened one of my eyes, getting a glimpse of Lauren's gorgeous face. She was laying on her side as her hand caressed a strand of my hair. My other eye opened, somewhat. First, my eyes had to adjust. "Wakey, wakey," she laughed lightly.

"Lo," I yawned and smiled. "You're so beautiful," I needed to compliment her. Either way, it was the truth. Even with her hair all tousled from sleep, she looked beyond gorgeous.

"Look who's talking," she pushed herself closer to me and pecked my lips. "You're even more beautiful," she returned the compliment, making me blush. She was too cute. I was such a mess, yet she could make me feel like such a beauty. "Camila, get up," she requested, yet climbed over me, straddling me.

My hands caressed her thighs, "How am I supposed to do that when you're on top of me?" I smirked and then bit my lower lip.  "I don't know," she shrugged and leaned down to my ear, "Figure it out," she said seductively.

Oh Lauren, challenge accepted.

"Alright," I held her ass and looked her in the eyes, sensually. She bit on her lower lip, probably expecting for me to be all touchy-touchy. Uh-uh, instead, I tossed her to the side. Rolling on the bed, she almost tumbled off, but I caught her on time. I burst out laughing while holding onto her waist, making sure that she wouldn't fall over. "Don't fall," I giggled.

"Don't let me fall," she held onto the sheets and helped herself up. Now that she was sitting up, she jumped on me. "Why did you do that?" she questioned as she pinned me down and straddled me once again.

"Because you told me to figure it out," I retorted, still wanting to laugh.

"You're so mean," she stuck her tongue out. God, I loved when she was immature. That was a turn on. When she was mature, that was a turn on too though. Anything about her was a turn on, to be completely honest. "But I still love you," she let out a hearty laugh, but then stopped when she caught what she had just stated.

My eyes widened. Did she really just that she loved me? My ears were functioning correctly, right? They weren't playing tricks on me? Quick, what rhymes with love? Maybe I misheard her. Glove rhymed with love, but glove wouldn't have made sense in that particular sentence. My mind was going crazy, looking for an explanation.

Lauren climbed off me and sat to my side, looking the other way. With an expression of 'holy shit, what did I just say?'

"Lo, babe," I put my hand on her shoulder, wanting her to look at me. "Hey, it's okay, I won't hold you to it," I stated. Just to make her feel comfortable. I didn't want this trip to be ruined just because she blurted those three words on accident. As much as I would've loved to hear her say it again, I wasn't going to force her to.

Miss Jauregui (CAMREN)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora