chapter 2 part 2

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I wasn’t sure what they were but I trust Andrew. I grabbed two out of the bag and I look at them. They are small so I figured two wouldn’t The room started spinning out of control and I fell on my face, I tried getting up but I just fell back on my chest. I felt a smooth, warm liquid and I reached up and felt my face. My nose seemed to be bleeding when I pulled my hand back and saw the red bodily fluid on my finger.
    Suddenly, I felt a ping of like, a tingly feeling on my arms. It felt like little bugs were crawling up and down my arms, and I started scratching thoroughly. I scratched and scratched until it started to burn. I looked down at my arms and didn’t realize I had started to draw blood. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.
“Aww man!”
I stared very intensely at my face and noticed my nose was bent very out of shape. I could tell it was most likely broken. I looked at my eyes and started to lose my balance. I steadied myself and looked into my eyes again.

~~sorry for the short parts but it takes me awhile to write these.~~

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