Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I needed something to ease my pain and help me forget. I reached into the medicine cabinet and pulled out Nyquil. I opened it up and chugged at least half of it. I walked back into my room and fell onto my bed. I started crying and eventually I got dizzy and passed out. It was pitch black and silent.
"Hello Santana?"
I could hear a strange but familiar voice echoing.
"How do you know my name?" I spoke calmly.
"That's not important. Just be careful....fates closing in." It spoke getting quieter as it kept talking now the whispers were too quiet to hear. The floor fell from under me and I was falling, it was like there was no bottom.
I was falling continuously. Until I felt the impact and pain. I woke up screaming and sweating. I took a deep breath walking over to the fridge and took out a bottle of wine. I didn't bother pouring a glass I just started chugging. The little burn that came with felt amazing. I started getting dizzy so I stopped and stumbled over to my phone texting my drug-addict friend.
S: Hey sexy!
A: Uh...hey?
S: Do me a favor....I'll pay $25
A: Yeah sure what do you want?
S: I think you know....
A: Yeah i'll be over.
I couldn't believe I was doing it but I felt like I had to. It hurt so much inside I didn't want to feel anything. It hurt too much I pulled around the room. I walked over to the medicine cabinet and grabbed a bottle of dong! I dropped the bottle and rushed over to the door.
"Money first." He says. I hand him the money.
"Thank you. Here you go." He says has he hands me the bag.
"Yes, yes, yes." I say taking the bag and slamming the door.
I open the bag to get a bottle of pills.

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