Rescue in the Dark

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Ector followed the scream to an opening of a great cavern. Oh how inviting. He dismounted his horse and left it untied, hoping it wouldn’t run away. Ector unsheathed Caliburn the light slowly illuminating the cavern walls. The sounds of someone breathing could be heard, but he couldn’t figure out where it was.

He was about to call out when he heard a sinister growl creep from the rocks. With a flash he turned around a sliced off the head of the giant behind him. “Holy Shit!” he cried out as the head hit the floor. Oh, may not be the manliest cry I could’ve made. But we can leave that out of the tale later, he chuckled with the thought.

“Hello, is someone there?” The voice was of a young woman, Ector could tell she was scared.

He turned the corner of a rock and saw a maiden sitting by a dim fire. He approached her, “It’s all right, I’m here to rescue you.”

“Please hurry, there’s more around, and I don’t know where Gren is at?”

“Wait, who’s Gren?”

The elf maiden screamed as she pointed behind the man. Ector then ducked as he saw a club swing over his head. “Jesus Christ, where do these guys come from?” Ector swung his blade into the creature’s body, slicing the fiend into two. Another lunged out from behind a rock. But Ector side swiped the beast’s attack before taking off the giant’s head.

Before he could notice, another giant swung his club at the boy, throwing Ector against a rock. He tried getting to his feet as the giant walked up to him. Ector used Caliburn to raise himself up as a large war hammer slammed into the giant’s face. The beast fell to the earth as another giant walked out. The giant turned to the elf-maiden, “Are you all right, my lady?”

“Gren, thank heavens you’ve come.”

Ector was confused, “What, this is Gren?” before anyone But could answer, Ector collapsed to the ground. He opened his eyes slowly, his entire body felt as if he had been hit with a baseball bat. He chuckled at the thought of only him getting the reference now, but as he laughed his side screamed in pain.

He couldn’t help but moan in pain, placing his hand on one side, gripping to try and lessen the aching sensation. It was now that Ector noticed that he was in a small room, plain and brown. There were two chairs, one empty and another with his shirt and pants on it. Oh please tell me I’m not naked, he lifted the bed sheet, Yup I’m naked, great, just great, now everything is perfect!

He heard footsteps towards the room, they were light and quickly paced. The vibration he felt told Ector that it was a woman coming. As she entered the room, the woman had a bowl in one hand and a towel in the other. “Oh good, you’re awake.”

It was the woman from the monastery he had met before the cave. At least now he knew where he was at. “How long have I been out?”

“About three days, you’re friends have been waiting for you to awake since they brought you here.”

“Wait, what about the girl? Where’s the girl?” Ector tried getting out of bed, the pain forcing him to stay bedridden.

“You need to rest,” the nun insisted. “It’s a miracle that you survived your fight with the giants. But the girl is fine, rest assured. Some men arrived last night and she went with them.”

“But we were…”

The nun smiled, “Do not fret brave one, she was more than happy to see them, she’ll be fine.”

Ector groaned again as his ribs ached. “I think I broke a rib.”

“Three ribs to be precise. We were amazed that was all you suffered.” The nun soaked the cloth in what Ector could tell was water and rung the excess off before placing it on his head. “Here this will help you rest.”

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