Chapter 61

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---Elena's POV---

Damon slung his arms around Stefan and I's neck while we bring him inside the boarding house. We gently placed him on the couch with pillows on his neck to support him. Caroline help Bonnie to gather the ingredients needed to cure the werewolf bite in Abby's house. Damon's hair is covered in sweat and droplets are dripping to his forehead.

"I'll get him the wet cloth and water." Stefan offered. I nod my head as he walked away from Damon and I. I kneeled down beside Damon; stroking his cheek. His face feels feverish from the bite. I tried to hold back the tears that are welling up in my eyes but it slip and slide to my cheeks.

"Don't cry, Elena." Damon gasp as he cough. He used his thumb to wipe the tears on my face.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have ask anyone to come with me. If I knew this would happened, I wouldn't ask you or anyone to meet Kol." I choked in between my tears.

"Hey, hey, Elena. It's not your fault that I was bitten." He said. "And I'm the one who wants to go after that bastard. You didn't ask us to come but instead, we stand by your side to end all of this."

"This doesn't make any of this situation any better." I laughed with my tears streaming down my face.

"I know." He smiled and stroke my cheek. In minutes, Stefan appeared at my side and passed me the wet cloth. I take it from him and gently pat on Damon's face since it's burning.

"Here." Stefan said, passing me the water once I'm done patting Damon's face. Stefan helped Damon up to drink the water. He swallowed the water in a gulp and groan at the pain.

"Damon, just hang on there. Bonnie and Caroline will be back shortly." Stefan said, patting his shoulder. Damon nod his head and laid back down on the couch. Stefan and I stayed by his side while waiting for Caroline and Bonnie to come back.


"Okay, guys! All the ingredients needed are here." Bonnie said as she and Caroline entered the house. Bonnie is carrying a large suitcase. They walked to where Damon is laying and set out all of the ingredients.

"How much time does he left now?" I asked.

"Uh, probably around 19 hours." Stefan said. There are herbs, flowers, blood and even wolfsbane on the table. She arranged some white candles in a circle. Bonnie flip through her gilmore to find the spell.

"Guys. We need two more ingredients." Bonnie sighed.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I need some of the wound's blood on Damon's arm." She said. I sensed there's a but in the sentence. "But," I totally jinxed it. "I have to use a enchanted stick to do that."

"Enchanted stick?" I look at her cluelessly. She took out the stick from the suitcase and showed it to me. It's a small wooden stick and as she said, it's enchanted.

"Is it okay if I take blood?" Bonnie ask Damon herself.

"Just do it." He groaned out.

"Here we go." She said and used the stick to get some of the blood on it. Damon started yelling in pain and I quickly comfort him. "Don't worry. The pain is just for a while. The stick burns when it touches him because it'll somehow remove the toxins in him." Bonnie explained. I nod my head.

"So what is the next and final ingredient?" I asked.

"In my Gilmore, it says we need his blood to complete the cure." Bonnie said. I nod my head and look over at Damon. He nod his head to signal for Bonnie to slice open his palm. Bonnie grab the blade that is on the table as Damon hold out his hand for her to slice. She quickly slice it open before letting his blood drip into the mortar.

She placed the mortar in the middle of the circle candle and she starts to chant in Latin. After a few seconds of changing, the candle lights up all at once. Somehow, all of the ingredients float into the air. It gathered together and it formed into a weird shape before it falls back into the mortar. All of us take a closer look at the shape and when Caroline was about to take it, Bonnie quickly stop her.

"Don't touch it!" Bonnie exclaimed.

"Uh, okay?" Caroline said and just look at it.

"How is this going to help cure Damon?" Stefan asks Bonnie.

"You have a glass of water?" She asks. Stefan passed her the water that Damon drank. She use a pincer to pick up the cure. She carefully drop it into the glass of water as all of us watches it dissolve.

"Am I suppose to drink it?" Damon asks her.

"Yes." She said. She passes the water to him and Damon takes it. He took a sip and started to gag.

"What the hell?" Damon groans at the taste.

"Yeah, it taste bad." Bonnie said.

"Drink up, Damon." I stroke his cheek. He inhale and drink the whole glass of cure. Once he's done, he placed the glass back on the table.

All of us look at his arms and after a few moments, his werewolf bite is fading. We heave a sigh. A grin is starting to form on my lips as I pulled him into a hug. He smiled and wrap his arms around my waist. I pulled back from him after awhile. I look at Stefan, who look so relived to see Damon alive. Damon stands up and walk over to Stefan to give him a bro hug. They patted each other's back before releasing each other.

"What? No hug from the two of you?" Damon smirked. Caroline and Bonnie scoff but still, Bonnie hug him. Caroline hugged Damon too. They released each other after at least three seconds.

"Damon, you should get some rest." I said. He nod his head.

"Bonnie, do you have any idea how to kill Kol?" Stefan asks.

"In the moment no but there should be something, a way, to kill him in my Gilmore." She said. "I'm heading back now. I'll find the spell to kill him."

"I'm heading back too." Caroline said, picking up her bag from the floor.

"Stefan, you give them a lift, okay?" I told him. He nod his head. Bonnie and Caroline says goodbye and walked out of the house with Stefan.

Damon and I went up to our room and we changed into our night clothings before going under the covers.

"Damon, the next time when we're up against that psycho, please don't do anything to provoke him to kill you. I don't want to loose you." I stroke his cheek.

"I won't." He smiled and kisses me passionately. "Goodnight, Elena." He said after we broke our kiss.

"Goodnight, Damon." I smiled and closed my eyes and let the darkness take over me.


Hey guys!! Thank you so so much for 20K+ readers and 1K+ voters. Thank you to whoever that had voted and read for my fanfiction. Ilysm guys!!! I know this chapter is a little short but I hope this is good enough. You see!! Damon survive the werewolf bite! Yay!! I changed it up on the part how the bite is cured. I don't want to copy exactly like the tv show because that would be boring. So I hope you guys enjoyed it and please vote and comment for this chapter! Bye guys!!

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