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tyler had to get out of the house sometime. he couldn't stay there forever. he admired the breath of fresh air he was given after walking out of the house he normally stayed locked in. sitting down in his car, he decided to go to the grocery store a few blocks away. tyler absolutely adored new car smell. even after parking, he didn't want to get out.

once arriving, he looked around at all of the people. it had been a while since he had seen anyone. an employee smiled at him and tyler shot back a half-hearted raise of the corners of his lips.

he walked around, eventually gave up at the attempt to find something remotely healthy to eat, and grabbed a frozen pizza. no one dislikes frozen pizza.

he cringed at the amount of couples walking around. maybe he thought it was gross, maybe he was jealous, and maybe both.

self-checkout was at his service before he went on his way. however, the car didn't drive the way back home. 

after long, tyler found himself driving in the woods.

then, tyler found himself walking in the woods.  it was very cold, but tyler was used to feeling cold.

tyler walked farther and farther and farther. at one point, he wondered if he would ever stop. maybe this was his life now- walking. he could be a hiker, even though this was his first time and he had no clue where he was going. it was only a matter of time before he got lost. the thing that kept him going was the sound of the branches snapping under his boots- he loved that sound.


tyler hoped what he was hearing was a dog and not any other kind of animal. before he could wonder any longer, a black figure sped towards him. his heart beat fast until he realized that it was only a little black patterdale terrier. the dog approached tyler and jumped on him.

"what are you doing out here alone?" tyler said towards the dog. the dog looked back at him, almost like he was asking tyler the same question.

"let's get you to the animal shelter, bud," he said picking up the small dog. halfway back to the area tyler was guessing his car was, his arms got tired, so the dog was let down onto the ground. to tyler's surprise, the dog followed him on his own.

the dog was let into the back of the car and they were on their way to the shelter. tyler remembered how he used to volunteer at the shelter when he was a teenager. it was fulfilling, but sad at the same time. he had to watch the same old dogs wag their tails at people passing by them, but they would never get adopted. tyler always made sure to give those dogs extra treats and extra attention.

before entering the shelter, tyler looked on the board that said "missing", just in case someone was looking for the dog and could be contacted. there were probably around fifty dogs on the board. he wondered how many of them were still alive.

soon his eyes settled on a picture of a small black patterdale terrier. underneath the picture, it said "if any information is known on the whereabouts of kuro, please contact joshua dun at 614-555-1618."



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