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there josh was. tyler couldn't help noticing how good he looked. he wanted to touch his red hair so badly.

he opened the door and plopped inside. he loved the new-car-smell.

"tyler, this house is so nice!"

"thanks," tyler said, almost in a whisper.

"ready for a needle through your lip?" josh laughed.

"ready as i'll ever be, i guess."

"it's only about ten minutes away, but anyways, what did you do today?"

"oh i um... just went to work."

josh nodded. "so typical day?"

"yeah, typical day."

before long, they arrived at a tattoo parlor. tyler was nervous going in, having zero tattoos and zero piercings, but that was about to change.

when they walked in, josh greeted the heavily-tattooed receptionist like he already knew her.

"...and who's this?" she asked. tyler counted four... no... five piercings in her face.

"this is tyler. he's here to get his lip pierced."

"oh, sweet! here are the forms, tyler. kat should be ready whenever. we aren't really busy tonight." she smiled.

the two boys sat down and tyler scribbled in a bunch of personal information before standing himself back up.

with slightly shaky hands, he handed her the forms and two twenty dollar bills and was told they could go back now.

the brown-haired boy dragged his feet following a vibrant red color in front of him and into a small room. 'kat' had even more piercings than the receptionist.

"lip, right?" she asked.


she nodded toward the reclined chair as she put on gloves. tyler sat in the chair with josh standing right next to him.

"which side?"


tyler's stomach started to hurt. he wasn't even sure if he actually wanted to do this. he was only doing it because josh wanted it.

she came towards him with a pen and carefully dotted a spot below his lip.

"sure you want to do this?" josh asked from above him.

"yes," he lied.

"okay. are you ready?"

he nodded quickly before he could let himself stop everything, even though he was sure this was a mistake. what was he doing sitting in this chair at a freaking tattoo parlor?

soon there was a needle coming towards him. tyler hated needles. why was he doing this, again? one word- josh.

the needle poked him slightly.

"take a deep breath in and a deep breath out."

his breath shook, but he was able to breathe in... and out, but with the out came intense pain. he felt his eyes start to water, but he wasn't really crying- he didn't think.

she then pulled the needle all the way through his lip, causing tyler to wince.

"all done!" she exclaimed.

"holy shit, tyler."

he was handed a mirror and besides his watering eyes and now red lip, he did look really good.

"thank you!" josh said to kat, leading tyler out.

they got into josh's car and tyler was running his tongue over the silver ring that now wrapped over his lip. when he looked over, josh was staring.

"what?" tyler said, defensively. he never liked people staring. it made him self-concious.

"um... nothing. i just spaced out, i guess."

"okay," tyler said, a bit confused.

"do you like it?"

"yeah, i really like it."

"good. it suits you very well."

tyler had the sudden urge to kiss josh- and he might have if his lip wasn't throbbing and he wasn't so shy.

"let's go get some ice-cream. it will make your mouth feel better."

tyler nodded with a painful smile.


i know these chapters are very detailed and might be tedious to read, but it will pay off when you get to read very detailed smut later in the book.

wink wonk.

(idk why i leave my name, no one cares (but imma keep doing it anyway))

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