pumpkin spice and everything nice

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tyler quickened his step, following josh. josh walked much faster than he did.

"there's a coffee shop across the street," josh said, pointing.

tyler nodded with a smile.

they crossed the street together and before they knew it, the smell of sugar and cinnamon traveled to their noses.

josh inhaled deeply. "wow it smells so good!"

tyler nodded while scratching his hand. he was extremely nervous.

"what do you want?" josh asked, turning towards the smaller boy.

"i- i don't really drink coffee. i'll just have whatever you have."

"okay. go find a seat. i will pay."

"no, josh-"

"two dollars is nothing. go find us seats somewhere warm." josh smiled.

"um, okay." tyler scanned the room and found a booth near the back. he hoped that it would be okay for josh.

the brown-haired boy anxiously waited, scratching at his arm. what if this really was a joke? "stupid, stupid, stupid," tyler thought, shaking his head.

"here we go," josh said, suddenly appearing. he sat down two coffees and sat across from tyler.

"the coffee is pumpkin spice. it's pretty good, but don't drink it yet. it's too hot."

tyler nodded.

"hey, are you okay?"

"huh? yeah, yeah, everything is fine. it's great, very great."

"okay. well, I guess i should tell you about myself. my name is josh dun and i moved here about a month ago. i used to live in pennsylvania, but i'm just taking a break here in ohio before college. oh, and i work at hot topic."

"i love hot topic," tyler muttered.

"yeah, it's awesome there. so what about you? what's tyler's story?"

tyler felt his pulse spike. he hated thinking about the past and struggled to find the right thing to say.

"um... well... i've lived here basically forever. i actually have my own house, but I just work at a stupid grocery store."

"how do you have your own house?! i wish i could afford that."

"my parents help me out."

josh smiled. "oh. lucky."

tyler forced a smile and struggled to find something to say. "i really like your nose ring," he said quickly.

"oh. thanks. i like it a lot, too."

"did it hurt?"

"for me, it hurt a lot." josh crinkled his nose. tyler thought that it was very cute when josh did that.

"if i ever got something pierced, i would probably choose..." tyler thought for a moment. "my lip."

"really? that would look really h-" josh shook his head, correcting his words. "good."

"you think?"

josh took a sip of his coffee. "hell yeah. i think you should do it."

"hm... now that i think about it, i would look good with it."

"you really would."

it was silent for a minute.

"will you come with me if i decide to do it?" tyler asked.

"yeah! that would be cool. i'd be glad to."

tyler smiled and he smiled while he periodically sipped his coffee and he smiled as he got to know josh and how goofy yet kind he was. tyler couldn't remember the last time he had smiled so much.

pretty soon, coffee ran out.

"hey, josh, can... can we hang out more?"

"i was just about to ask you the same thing. here's my number," he said, scribbling on a napkin.

"thank you."

josh started to get up. "i look forward to that lip piercing," the red-haired boy smiled. it almost seemed like a smirk to tyler, but then again it was probably just his imagination.

"me too. i'll see you later, josh." tyler smiled, choosing to stick around in the booth for a while.

"bye, tyler."


hope you guys are having a great day/night

stay alive


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