"How are you this morning Ellie?" Harry asked her, a smirk plastered on his face. 

"Fine thanks Harry." Elenie gritted her teeth and gave him dead eye. 

"Your Mum looks happy this morning Elenie." Ron said looking up at the teacher's table. Elenie looked up at her Mother, who was grinning at a letter that was clutched in her hand and talking to Remus. 

"Elenie, I must say your Mum is pretty fit." Fred grinned admiring Alia from afar.

"Fred! You can't say that about my Mum! She's thirty four! And you've known her since you were about four years old!" Elenie protested, whacking Fred's arm.

"Woah that means she only had you when she was twenty one!" Hermione stated.

"Yes she did Hermione." Elenie laughed.

"Then again, she did marry at nineteen I suppose." Hermione said matter-of-factly. Elenie's eyes widened. Hermione was about to out her secret!

"Your mum's married El?" Harry asked, his eyes wide as he looked in the direction where Alia was sat. 

"No! No! Hermione was joking, weren't you Hermione?!" Elenie said, thumping Hermione on the arm.

"Oh yes! Yes! Sorry I meant my mum! My mum married my dad at eighteen!" Hermione smiled, shooting an apologetic look at Elenie.

"She's still pretty hot to say she has a teenage daughter." George admitted. Elenie rolled her eyes and frowned. 

"George! You can't say that about one of your teachers!" Elenie cried, knocking the bread that George had in his hand into Hermione's apple juice. 

"Elenie! I was eating that!" George cried, looking at his soggy apple juice bread in horror. They all suddenly erupted in laughter as Hermione picked pieces of bread out of her apple juice.

"Sorry!" Elenie apologised, still laughing a little. 

It was times like these that made great memories.


- Alia -

Alia finished off applying her lipstick and quickly put on her high heels. For the first time in years, she actually had sort of dressed up. Alia rushed out of her room and out of the Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom and headed to the entrance of the school.

Alia was extremely happy for the first time in years, and just because she was going to see her younger sister. When they were children, Alia and Annabelle had been very close. Alia liked to take care of her little sister, and she took more care of her when she came to Hogwarts. Alia was quite a motherly figure for her sister. 

When Alia finally reached Hogsmeade, she took a deep breath and pushed open the door to the Three Broomsticks pub, suddenly feeling quite nervous. 

"Good evening Alia!" Madam Rosmerta called from behind the bar.

"Hi Rosmerta!" Alia replied. Alia's eye's scanned around the room, looking for her sister. They immediately fell on the blonde girl sat at the back of the pub. Alia could tell right away that she was Belle from the way that she was sitting to the blonde hair on her head.

"Belle?" Annabelle's head shot around and her emerald green eyes met Alia's identical ones.

"Alia." She gasped, immediately standing up and pulling her sister into a hug.

"I can't believe it's actually you! The last time I saw you, you were seventeen!" Alia cried, embracing her sister.

"I know! The last time I saw you, you were twenty one!" Annabelle grinned.

"I've missed you so much Belle and when I found out you had a daughter I knew that I had to get in touch!" Alia smiled. The two of them sat down at a table and began to talk.

"Yeah when I got an owl from Emily telling me that a Professor at school had sent me a letter, I was really shocked, I thought she was in trouble or something. How did you know she was mine anyway?" Belle asked.

"Dumbledore told me." Alia answered.

"Of course he did." Belle laughed.

"So, spill it! How's the family? How did Emily come about?!" Alia asked, grinning at her sister.

"The family.....well not to good to be honest Al. We're just falling apart. Mum won't have anyone say your name. If someone mentions you, she screams at them. Dad's just still disappointed Al. He misses you, so does Hannah, after Marlene..." Annabelle trailed off, her eye's full of grief as she mentioned their cousin Marlene's name. 

Marlene was another one of Voldemort's victims. Like James and Lily, Voldemort had tried to recruit her and when she refused she was immediately killed. It was a huge loss for the whole family, especially Marlene's sister Hannah.

"Anyway Hannah has a daughter too! Her name is Katherine and she's at Hogwarts. Hannah named her after you Al, her name's Katherine Alia.  Emily and Katherine are good friends." Belle smiled.

"Oh gosh! I'm honoured! That name is beautiful! And I must say, Emily is lovely. She's so like you Belle!" Alia smiled.

"Thank you! She's my pride and joy. Back to your question of how she came around, I had a one night stand, and I don't know who her father is. Mum obviously wasn't very happy, at first she told me I was no better than you, and I should be happily married, but she's fine now. She loves Emily. Anyway, how's Elenor?!" Belle asked smiling. Alia remembered that when Elenie was born, Belle loved Elenie, but she hadn't seen her since she was one.

"She's absolutely great. But I must say, when you do meet her, call her Elenie, she prefers it much more too Elenor. That's definitely Sirius' influence." Alia laughed.

 "I'm so sorry Al. Where have you been staying?!" Belle whispered.

"With Remus. Mine and Elenie's last names are Lupin for the time being. He helped me bring up Elenie." Alia smiled.

"Ah! Well at least you've been safe Al." Belle smiled.

"Yes, Remus has been very kind to us both. Anyway! I want you to meet Elenie! She'd love you I promise!" Alia smiled.

"We'll meet her again! Of course! My niece is amazing!" Belle grinned.

"Good! And I bet my niece is amazing as well!" Alia smiled.

"Of course she is!" Belle grinned.

For the rest of the night, Alia and Belle got to know each other again, catching up on all the years they had missed.


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