I need you now.8.

Começar do início

“How you been?” he asked sounding like her genuinely wanted to know.

“Just trying to keep going every day. .” I said as I thought of the events that sprung up two months ago.

“I’ve been thinking about you Taleah. . A lot.” He said as he moved in closer to me.

“Really? What about?” I asked shyly.

“ I want to make us official.” He said as his beautiful Hazel eyes trails mine.

He then grabbed my hands and cuffed them gently into his. He looked me into my eyes like he was seeing me for the first time. After the late night conversations and my confidence in him, I couldn’t believe how much closer we’ve gotten. Was Miles Gibson Finally going to be mine?

“Yes, I’ll be your girl forever!” I smile and dug my head into his chest for a warm bear hug.

I know what your thinking STUPID, why would you be with someone who went out with your own sister? Because I have loved Miles from day way one, and it wasn’t fake or pretentious like how Aleah claimed she loved him. It was REAL LOVE.

Choir rehearsal started, and I had a lead part. The song was I was going to sing was Smokie Norful- I need you now. The song painted the perfect situation I felt I was in with my family. The pianist fingers graced the keyboard keys gently. I stood to the mic and pressed my lips against it before I started singing.

Not a second or another minute. . .

Not an hour of another day. .But at this moment with my arms outstretched,

I need you to make a way. . as you have done so many times before.

Through a window or an open door,

I stretch my hands to thee,[I stretched my arm out towards the pews as I sung on]

 Come rescue me

I need you right away.”

I walked across the stage to feel out the audience of my choir members and moved to the sweet sound of the keyboard as I moved my arms with each note.

I need you now [x4](Power of the vocals excels)

Not another second or another minute

Not an hour of another day but, Lord

I need you right away[I sung on as a tear fell down my left eye]

I continued thesong with a boom it was like I could feel the holy spirit express through me, ignite me, transcend through my whole body. I felt weak from the pain I was releasing through my soulful melodies. But I knew this song had to be sung.

When I sung the last note I felt strength the last note I felt strength regained and the silence in the room turned to cheers and clapping.

My fellow choir members complimented me on my performance, and it was just a practice round.

“Wow, you have an amazing voice.” A soft yet smooth voice rumbled behind me.

I shift my view to see a dark skin gentleman standing about six feet tall with a muscular frame and a goatee around his thick brown full lips; they were curved into a enticing smile. He had a clean black suit on with a black and white tie tugging at his neck. He continued to smile; I didn’t return the gesture because honestly I never saw this dude. I took a sip at my water before I spoke.

“Why, thankyou. . . ummm who are you?” I asked as I looked up at his dark brown eyes. His eyelashes were long and beautifully complimented his eyes. He let out a cool laugh.

“I’m sorry baby, My name is Malik Marshall.” He said as he pulled a small piece of paper from his suit pocket. All in one motion- He slipped it into my palm swiftly and planted a kiss on the back side of my hand tenderly. Smooth as butter, hot as the pan. He had a devious side lurking through that gorgeous face. I felt it by his warm touch.

“May I help you brother?” My daddy asked as he came behind me. He looked frustrated by this mans presents.

“Oh, Hello I was just talking to this wonderful young lady about her amazing vocals!” he replied in enthusiasm.


“I work for genuinely soulful records, I was just out and about looking for new talent. I think she would be great for the label.” He said getting even more hype over his business.

I gleamed when he spoke those words, he was interested in me!? I couldn’t believe anyone could see me as being a star. Daddy only the other hand was not happy about the idea at all.

“My daughter will not be involved with the devils music and influences in that industry. I know it’s a filthy dirty world.” He said as he scowled at the thoughts.

“I know you heard about all the bad things about the industry, but your daughter has raw unique talent, she deserves a chance. And I will be there to protect her through every step of the way.” He said sounding so convincing.

“I’m sorry son, you gon have to gone take your business elsewhere. My daughter is not the one.” He said as his eyebrows inverted and his forehead wrinkled.

“Alright. . . well Ms.Lady, you have my number if you guys change your mind.” He winked at me before he walked out the church doors.

“I don’t want you around that man, he works for the devil. . you hear me!?” he yelled to me causing me to slightly flinch from the impact of his deep and anguish tone. My daddy has been in a bad mood since that night when he found out about mama. He tried to alter it when he came to church but I could read through the mask.

As my daddy walked away I released the grip of his business card between my fingers. It read:

“Malik Marshall

Music/Entertainment Management

Genuinely soulful records.”

It had his number, email and fax in the smaller font at the bottom. For whatever reason, I felt the need to keep this information close to me. I decided to put it in my wallet and keep it just in case. In case of what? I was feeling desperate I suppose.


A/N: Just had to come in and say this is one of my favorites stories I have ever written, after being erased from the first time released I had to republish this story. I can identify mostly with Taleah and this moment when she sings "I need you now." Anywho! hope you enjoyed this chapter!

>>> The song is posted to right or in multimedia area.


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⏰ Última atualização: Oct 03, 2013 ⏰

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