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I sat in the pews honestly not even listening to Taleah as she sang. I was all in my phone that was covered by my bible. I grinned as my fingers typed quickly, texting my new boo George.  Even though I had a boyfriend he wasn't important to me, I only cared for him when Taleah was watching or around.

Even though I was a preacher's daughter I did what I wanted and a punishment was out of the question. I was my parents favorite, hell I was everyone's favorite. No one looked at me as if I could do any wrong and if I was ever caught in the act I always found a way to make it look like it’s Taleah's fault.

It wasn't my fault that even though we looked alike that I was of a better pedigree than her. I was blessed with my mother’s light fair tone but my daddy's genes gave my skin a golden hue. My hair was long and wavy and my eyes were a gray so strong you would thought I created the storms that shed vigorously down on the Louisiana soil.

I didn't care for Taleah even though we were twins. My jealousy and hatred for her was on another level. Taleah was my father's shade and honestly she was pretty, but I would never admit that to her face. We were built the same, so it wasn't like she was fat or anything. Her hair was a big bundle of curls that she always complained were hard to manage, but to me I wish my hair was that strong and vibrant.

I hated Taleah because even when I knew people favored me over her, she still always managed to beat me at something that wasn't in the look department. She made straight A's while I had a few B's here and there. She had the voice of an angel, where I could barely carry a note. Then she had this way about her that made people want to get to know her. She was calm and sweet, but I squashed all that really quick by making it known that she was either lame or boring so people breezed on past her.

I felt a pluck from mama and I knew that meant to pay attention. Mama seemed so perfect, atleast to eyes looking from the outside. A lot of the women in the church judged her on every move she made. But hey, I guess that came with the territory.


The congregation all clapped at the end of Taleah's performance and she thanked them and left the stage. I looked at her with a glare and quickly fixated my face as my father got up to close the service.

My baby, My angel! Wasn’t she just amazing! Y’all give her another hand!” Daddy shouted over the microphone. I rolled my eyes at his comment. If she was his angel what was I?

After he said his last prayer we all rose to leave the church, I saw Taleah talking and laughing sweetly to Miles and I quickly made my way over to interrupt.

"Hey baby." I said to him as I wrapped my arms tightly around him in a possessive embrace. I saw the sad little look on Taleah's face and I couldn't lie and say that didn't make me smile on the inside.

Miles turned his attention to me. " Hey I was just telling T about this new song the choirs working on." I didn't want to hear about anything that involved her so I changed the subject and brought all of his attention back to our conversation from earlier.

“So do you like my nails in this tone?” I said as I smile and bat my grey eyes to him.

Taleah slowly walked away and when she looked back I made sure she saw the kiss I planted on Miles's lips.


Color Of Sin- Urban Escape.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum