Author's Note: Awesome New Stuff

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Hello! It's Rachel here (Skinnies) and I wanted to inform you on the super duper cool things I've been working on to try and make this story a little more three-dimensional. Wattpad is such a unique way to share stories because there are so many ways to connect due to the fact it's entirely online. I've decided to try and utilize this ability better. You might have noticed that in every chapter there's usually a description of what Harper's wearing that day or to a certain event. In order to give you a physical idea of what she's actually wearing, I've created a Polyvore account under the name 'skinniesr5' that is entirely dedicated to the outfits of my characters in any given chapter. 

If you don't know what Polyvore is, it's a home/clothing website that allows you to shop different brands - but what I'll be using it for is the collage feature. In this I can put together a visual representation of an outfit and post it publicly to you guys! All you have to do is click on the external link to the side of this story (It's located under the cover.) To all of you on mobile devices, I believe you'll have to connect to a computer), and give me a follow! Once I have 30 followers, I can create a group and my creations will be more accessible. As it stands, there are 3 outfits on the site - Harper and Autumn's look for the signing party in the last chapter, and Harper's outfit for hanging out with Ian before the fight! If there are any outfits in the previous chapters you'd like to see, leave a comment or send me a message, and they'll be up ASAP.

I know author's notes can be annoying, but the next chapter will really make up for it! Lots of crazy drama going on! Much love to you, and stay loud! -Skinnies

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