Chapter 11

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   Willow had heard Bucky whisper something to her from the other side of the door, I love you. A million thoughts began running through Willow's mind. Everyone Willow had ever cared about was dead or wanted to kill her, except Bucky. Willow could feel the presence in the back of her mind, pressing down on her consciousness. She wanted to say it back, while she still could. "Bucky, I- Aahhh!" She broke off with a cry of pain as another stab of searing pain was sent through her head. She could hear Bucky saying her name on the other side of the door.

 The the presence began to speak, "Let us in child, give up. All that pain, all that loss, all your suffering, we can make it go away. We can give you power, unlimited power. Your mind is strong, yes, but we can make it stronger. Give in."

 Willow shook her head violently. No. Never again would someone make her a prisoner in her own mind. "Get out," she said to it, "Get out!"

  Willow had been through a lot of crap in her life, and as she battled with this presence, all those memories were brought boiling to the surface. Willow's abusive father, who used to beat her and tell her she was worthless, pathetic, a disappointment. Her mother, who told Willow that she'd never be as smart, pretty, or talented as her siblings. Her younger siblings, always so perfect. Willow's abusive boyfriend, whom she'd been too afraid to leave, she'd had bruises from his abuse for months, and still carried the scars from the time he'd tried to stab her. She'd overcome all of this, proved them all wrong. Willow had run away from home at 15, and when her boyfriend pulled a knife on her, she'd put him in the hospital. She'd worked harder than anyone, because she wanted to prove everyone who'd ever doubted her wrong. Then she'd joined SHIELD, and had proved wrong all the agents who said she could never be a talented field agent because she was a woman. In fact, Willow's whole life had been about proving people wrong, showing them that, yes, she could do this! After she'd been paralyzed, everyone thought she was useless, that she'd never be able to do anything again. Willow had almost agreed with them, but her natural instinct to prove people wrong had kicked in. Now she was a SHIELD agent again, and she worked with the Avengers. She'd repaired Bucky Barnes' mind, and then proved that she could do everything they could do.

 "You'll never win," The voice whispered.

 That was all Willow needed. NO. She would win, she'd proved everyone wrong, and she would beat this thing.  You'll never win, she told it, so give up.

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