"I've been studying for exams. I'm at the Royal Veterinary college around the corner."

"So are you the birthday girl? How about a cocktail on the house?"

"I'm really not much of a drinker," I protest.

"I can be inventive." He gives a wide smile.

I perch on a barstool while he puts on a show of juggling bottles as he mixes a drink in a shaker. With a wink, he slides a foaming glass towards me. It tastes delicious. His gaze falls to my mouth and I hope I don't have foam on my lip. Almost immediately, he is called away to another customer, so I hastily dab my face with a napkin.

The song pumping through the PA changes to the opening bars of Barbie Girl. Some of the guys on my course think it's funny to call me Barbie. Just because I'm tall and have platinum blonde hair. Well, they weren't so amused when I whipped them with my exam results.

I swivel on the bar stool and find my exit is blocked by a man propped up at the bar.

He leers. "Hey! Do you want to be my Barbie girl?"

Well aren't you just hilarious? I level him with my best Paddington Bear stare, not even bothering to reply.

Not seeming to get the message, he leans closer, almost knocking me out with his alcoholic breath. Thankfully, the barman comes to my rescue.

"Leave the lady alone or leave the bar." His voice could cut glass.

As the drunkard weaves off, I mouth 'thank you' and return to my friends.


When I yawn, I get teased by one of the guys, asking, "Are we boring you?"

"I've not been sleeping so well." I play it down, but night after night I've been haunted by the same dream, only I can never properly remember it. As morning comes, the details slip away like smoke through my fingers.

"Come on Cinders. Let's get you home before you turn into a pumpkin." Kate hauls me up.

We wave goodbye and within moments of exiting the bar, Kate receives cat calls from a group of boisterous lads. She always garners attention when we go out.

Kate blows them a kiss and then as we walk off, stuns me when she says, "You really should start dating again."

I keep on walking and dismiss the idea, "I'm not ready. Not after Greg." My heart does an anxious dance as I push back the image of his vacant eyes staring up into the night sky.

"Elle, that is a crap excuse.  What happened last summer was a terrible accident, but you have to live again. What about the barman?" Kate persists.

"Barman?" I quiz, wrinkling my brow in confusion.

"God, you're hopeless! The smartest person I know, except when it comes to men. You know the cute one, who was like chatting you up."  Kate shakes her head. "I told him we would meet him for a drink on Friday."

Sometimes she is like a dog with a bone and it's easier just go with her. "I guess that one drink wouldn't hurt and he does have a nice smile."

"Yeah and the rest. He was ripped." Kate fans herself. "You did notice the body, right?"

"Not really," I admit, which earns me a playful whack.

Kate turns serious. "You can't wait your whole life for a knight in shining armour."

I bite my lip. I guess I probably do read too much fantasy, but is it wrong to dream of finding love?

It seems hardly any time when we are turning off into our quiet side road and entering the Victorian house which has been my home for the past eight years.

With a foot on the stairs, I announce, "I'm going straight to bed."

"I'm in the mood to paint. I'll be up late." Kate gives me a massive hug. "Happy birthday for tomorrow."

I smile, but inside my stomach churns. Three birthdays I have survived death, that is if you don't count the first time.  Oh god, I hope tomorrow is going to be alright.

Somehow, despite a whirling mind, I must have managed to fall asleep because I jolt awake some hours later. Moonlight is shining through my window and bathes an aging man in its soft light. He has the most unusual golden-yellow eyes. I should be freaked out that there is a stranger in my bedroom, instead I experience a strong sense of deja vu.

"Elissa, it is time for you to face your destiny." He calls me by a name that I haven't used in many years. "Go back to where it started."

AN - the song is Counting Stars by One Republic
It is fun to do fantasy casting - who would play them.  For Elle, I would cast Gabriella Wilde.

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