The Wolf's Bait ~ Chap 7: A Compromise

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry I uploaded late!

I was about to upload yesterday but when I opened the file on my laptop, I couldn't  find the rest of the pages.

Apparently, it got deleted so yeah... I re wrote the whole thing... again :|

Anyway, Thanks for all the reads and votes :D It really feels fullfilling to know that you guys like what I'm writing...

It's a shame though that I got kicked out of the Hot List :'( *Sobs*

I sure do hope that I get back in after this chapter... Help me get back in? I'd like that :D

So yeah... thanks :D 

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter ;)

Comment, like, add to your library, fan, and most especially fan! :D Thanks guys!


~Chap 11~

~Bryce’s POV~

I laughed hysterically at the unfolded sheet of paper on my hand.


1)    Bryce play’s dead… like, really dead. Not like the dog trick.

2)    Pretend I’m a guy

3)    Fight and fight continually (including everyone in the pack)

4)   Act like I hate animals, while he pretends to act like he’s a paranoid antisocial 

5)    Disrespect tribe traditions (only to the point where I don’t get attacked … again)

6)    Pretend he’s gay

7)    Act like complete opposites

8)    We each pretend to like someone else


I just stood there, laughing at her as she glared at me.

“Liar!” Autumn complained as she kicked me on the knee.

“Ouch!” I said, stumbling backward, “What was that for?!”

“You promised not to laugh.” She said accusingly.

“No I didn’t!” I said, laughing harder than before.

It’s not like I’m rude or anything, but she should’ve seen her own expression… It was the funniest thing you could ever see! Trust me. If she saw herself, I would’ve sworn she’d laugh at her reflection too.

I watched her take the paper away from me and mutter something unintelligible under her breath. With an exaggerated turn, she kicked the soil to my face. After a few paces, she turned back and yelled at me.

“That’s what you deserve you jerk!” she said in an immature tone.

“What the heck?” I stood, wiping of the soil from my eyes. That was a foul.

She laughed hysterically at my expression. Okay. Now it’s on. I lunged at her but she anticipated my attack. She quickly ran toward Asher, half laughing, half shrieking. I caught her hand and pulled her into a tight bear hug, her back against my chest.

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