The Wolf's Bait ~ Chap 6: Guarded

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Hey guys, I wasn't gonna post this until next tuesday, but I'm gonna be busy for the whole week, so my next update would be on friday or sat :(

I know, darn my busy schedule. It sucks! too many major subjects :|

College is killing my "me time" -___-

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter ;) 

Comments and votes are greatly accepted! 

Please DO vote!!! 

Spread the Love Mates! ;)

Oh, and don't worry, I'll be planning the whole story, like how each chapter would look like so I could write faster.

I'd be doing that for the whole week so don't worry, friday would have an AWESOME chapter. PROMISE!


~CHAP 10: Guarded~

~Autumn’s POV~


“Call me when you get home?” Lillian asked as we made our way to the lockers.

“M-hmmm…” I sighed.

“You alright?”

“Yeah, sure.” I mumbled as I went past her.

She eyed me incredulously, putting her hands on her waist.

“I mean… Sure thing, girlfrieennddd! Can’t wait for our gossip fest!” I said dramatically with a southern accent.

She just looked at me, awestruck.

“Awkwaaaard.” She said, rolling her eyes.

“Too much?”

“Maybe that was just a little too over the top.”

“You think?” I said in sarcasm.

“But hey, you tried right?” she fainted a laugh.

“Oh yeah… I did, didn’t I?”

 “Yeah…” she smiled.

“What’s bothering you?” she asked, her eyes filled with concern.

“No big… It’s just that time of the month.” I lied.

I couldn’t actually tell Lillian that the reason why I was feeling so blue was because of my nightmare about that wolf… even if it happened a two nights ago, I still couldn’t let it slip out of my mind… I wonder why that wolf attacked me… and why did it look exactly like Bryce’s wolf form. Could it have been a premonition? A warning? I don’t know… but as of now, I need to stay clear from him for a while.

Those sleepless nights led me into getting all tired and stuff. Not to mention my recent ‘black outs’ in my classes. I was too preoccupied with thinking of ways to make the council regret their choice, that I even went as far as to writing ‘wolf attack’ on my essay sheet.

This has got to stop.

I tapped my bag to see if the list I made was still intact… yup, it’s still there. Hopefully the countless hours I spent absent mindedly thinking of ways to get the council to separate us would pay off. So far, the list I made, which almost got caught by my math professor, would be of use to our little situation

Oh well.

“Ohhhh…” she said as she let it go. “Well… Just lighten up ‘kay?”

“Yeah… thanks for cheering me up.” I said sincerely.

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